New Member!


New Member
Hey everybody! I've been lurking LHCF for a while now and I've finally decided to join. All of you ladies have lovely hair and seem to be very friendly and supportive. My name is Brittany and I'm a 21 year old college student. My hair is relaxed but I'm pretty sure my natural hair texture is 4a. I totally SUCK at styling hair and to make matters worse, my hair is very bushy and long. I can't braid or flat iron well or curl my hair or anything really :lachen:. I've been wearing my hair in a ponytail for years and I'm tired of it! My goals are to finish creating a regimen, improve my styling skills, and achieve healthier hair. I'm very excited to begin my hair journey!
Welcome!!!! I was a habitual pony tail wearer too!!!!! Now I rock buns thanks to LHCF!!!! Youll fit right in!!!!!!
Hi Piscesgirl,

I just started posting on the board even though I joined a little while ago, yeah I was a lurker also. :grin: :welcome3:
Welcome and don't feel bad about not bad about not being able to style your hair you'll get there.:grin:

If I can learn a little something something anyone can.

Happy Hauntings!!!!(lol)....just kidding..:lachen:

Have a healthy and happy hair journey and again welcome to the LHCF.
Hey everybody! I've been lurking LHCF for a while now and I've finally decided to join. All of you ladies have lovely hair and seem to be very friendly and supportive. My name is Brittany and I'm a 21 year old college student. My hair is relaxed but I'm pretty sure my natural hair texture is 4a. I totally SUCK at styling hair and to make matters worse, my hair is very bushy and long. I can't braid or flat iron well or curl my hair or anything really :lachen:. I've been wearing my hair in a ponytail for years and I'm tired of it! My goals are to finish creating a regimen, improve my styling skills, and achieve healthier hair. I'm very excited to begin my hair journey!
