"New Member With Bad News"


New Member
Hi ladies.

After spying for months i have finally decided to join because of all the MTG posts. Well you ladies have tempted me to buy the MTG. I received it about a week ago and have been applying it to my hair every other day. Well, guess what? I was going to apply it to my scalp the other day, but before i did i noticed that my hair was falling out like MAD! I can't even believe it! I guess i'm not the lucky one.
I am sorry you had that experience. I think now is a time to baby your hair, and wear protective styles. I am sure you will recover from this :)
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I am soooo sorry that this happened to you. These ladies here have some great tips, as I'm sure you know, to get you back on track. Again I am sorry. :(
I wanted to just welcome you...I have no experience with MTG, so I don't know what to say, other than I hope that you can get some help from the ladies here :(
When I first joined this board I tried just about everything everybody was talking about and most of it unfortunately did not work for me. In the end, I personally think most of the growth (and retention of it) comes from the basics: moisture, conditioning, gentle handling, low manipulation, little to no heat. Hang in there. Hope you find a routine that works for you and stops the shedding/breakage. Good luck.
Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your MTG experience. Hmm i guess this will trigger the debate even further.... :confused:
I am sorry that this has happened to you...I was very close to ordering this product until something told me to just leave it alone...welcome to the board though
This was stated in another MTG thread....

Originally Posted by MeccaMedinah
And here's a little fyi from a friend who owns horses "Also, if you use any product containing Betadine and you use MTG within a short span of time, your hair may fall out."


Perhaps this is what occurred...good luck with the hair sitch...just baby it right now.
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Welcome to the forum. Is your hair natural or relaxed? Also, how were you wearing your hair during your MTG applications?
WELCOME :newbie:

Sorry that you had to start off with a bad experience because of MTG. I myself have thought about getting it, but something kept telling me to just leave it alone.

How long is your hair right now??? Maybe you can start doing protective styling (wearing buns), moisturizing, and conditioning to get your hair back on track.

Take care and be blessed! :kiss:
chellee said:
Welcome to the forum. Is your hair natural or relaxed? Also, how were you wearing your hair during your MTG applications?

my hair is relaxed and i would apply it to my scalp and hair and then put it into a low bun.
Poohbear said:
WELCOME :newbie:

Sorry that you had to start off with a bad experience because of MTG. I myself have thought about getting it, but something kept telling me to just leave it alone.

How long is your hair right now??? Maybe you can start doing protective styling (wearing buns), moisturizing, and conditioning to get your hair back on track.

Take care and be blessed! :kiss:
my hair is a little past my shoulders. It was thin when i started using MTG, now it's even thinner!
Emotional_High said:
my hair is a little past my shoulders. It was thin when i started using MTG, now it's even thinner!
Oh no! :eek: Well, whatever you do, throw that MTG stuff out!
I am so sorry this has happened to you. You should probably seek some medical advice to make sure that no permanent damage has occurred.
kitty18 said:
What exactly is Betadine and in what products is it found?

Welcome, I am so sorry to hear about your hair problem. I would suggest you using protien to combat the shedding...


Betadine Solution
Purdue Frederick
Provides the benefits of iodine without the drawbacks. Causes little pain or irritation to skin, wounds or membranes. Will not stain skin, hair or natural fabrics. Use full strength as an antiseptic before surgery and on superficial lacerations, abrasions and minor burns.

Betadine vs Iodine

The best topical antiseptic agent for the skin are solutions that contain iodine. Iodine is a nonmetallic element discovered in 1812. Its name comes from the Greek word ioeides for violet colored, and from ion which means violet. This may come as a complete surprise because when we look at the color of iodine as it comes out of it's bottle it is usually a deep, dark orange-brown. However, if you have ever seen iodine crystals, perhaps in the chemistry lab, you find that the color of the iodine's vapor is violet.

Iodine's use in the treatment of wounds was first described in 1839. By the late 1800's, iodine tinctures came into wide use as microbicides. Iodine quickly kills a broad range of microorganisms. In laboratory test, iodine destroys many microorganisms and viruses within 3-5 minutes.

How it kills is not exactly understood, but it rapidly penetrates cell walls, stops or interferes with protein syntheses, and reacts with cell membranes and membrane bound structures.

The use of iodine for cleansing skin or disinfecting small wounds presents some problems. Iodine solutions have a strong smell and can stain skin and clothing. They react to metals and are rather unstable. Some people find it irritates their skin, especially after they have been in contact with it for a few minutes. More so, and more importantly, certain individuals are very sensitive to iodine, such as those with allergies to sea food. Before using iodine on anybody, ask if they have an allergy to sea food, which includes certain types of fish and shell fish. Even if they deny an allergy but state that on occasion they have been a "little" irritated by it, or only got a little bit of an itchy throat, chances are they might not realize that they have a sea food allergy. As a precaution these individuals should not be treated with any products that contain iodine.

REMEMBER: Betadine and tincture of iodine are not the same thing. Tincture of iodine is NOT safe to use. Tincture of Iodine is poisonous! Never use tincture of iodine when piercing skin. It dangerously inflames mucus membranes and if put on a wound or piercing it can result in a toxic level of iodine absorption.

Betadine (Provodone iodine):

Fortunately, various mixtures and solutions of iodine, which are called Iodaphores, have been formulated that greatly lessen such disadvantages and dangers, and at the same time enhance stability and microbe killing properties. These solutions are now in wide use in hospitals, sanitation and water purification, veterinary industries, food service and also the brewing industries.

Betadine (which is 10% Provodone Iodine) is perhaps the best and most effective topical antiseptic agent available. Betadine comes in a variety of forms. You can get it in premoistened swabs, but it's most easiest to find in liquid form in pint and quart size bottles. It's in the "first-aid" section of the drug store.

Unfortunately the drawback of using Betadine solution is that the brownish stain it leaves on the skin is a bit unsightly, however this can be eliminated if the phlebotomist uses two solutions to cleanse the skin. The phlebotomist swabs the chosen area with Betadine. After allowing the Betadine to dry for a minute or two, the phlebotomist wipes the brownish stain away with sterile gauze pads soaked in 70% alcohol. Then the puncture starts a minute or two after the alcohol wipe.

Once the desired amount of blood has been collected and needles have been removed, the skin is wiped with sterile gauze soaked in Hydrogen Peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide cools the skin and helps cleanup any blood. Many people find this a relaxing step and a nice ending to the process of venipuncture. It's best not to use alcohol after the blood collection, as it causes stinging pain and irritates even the tiniest puncture and breaks in the skin that might have already been present.
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As a relatively new member, I must agree with this thought. The amount of good advice provided by the wonderful ladies here is so overwhelming, that it's hard to know where to begin and what products to buy. You started with hair slightly past shoulder length. Even though it's thinning, you must have been doing something right at some point. Stick with the basics listed here (moisture, conditioning, low manipulation and little or no heat) and you'll be on your way to beautiful hair before you know it.

Welcome and good luck!!!

hopeful said:
When I first joined this board I tried just about everything everybody was talking about and most of it unfortunately did not work for me. In the end, I personally think most of the growth (and retention of it) comes from the basics: moisture, conditioning, gentle handling, low manipulation, little to no heat. Hang in there. Hope you find a routine that works for you and stops the shedding/breakage. Good luck.
Welcome, sorry the MTG didn't agree with you. Just get your hair strong and keep it moisturized. Maybe someone with some experience can let you know if a protein treatment would help? What do you think ladies??
Bmm said:
Welcome, I am so sorry to hear about your hair problem. I would suggest you using protien to combat the shedding...


Betadine Solution
Purdue Frederick
Provides the benefits of iodine without the drawbacks. Causes little pain or irritation to skin, wounds or membranes. Will not stain skin, hair or natural fabrics. Use full strength as an antiseptic before surgery and on superficial lacerations, abrasions and minor burns.

Betadine vs Iodine

The best topical antiseptic agent for the skin are solutions that contain iodine. Iodine is a nonmetallic element discovered in 1812. Its name comes from the Greek word ioeides for violet colored, and from ion which means violet. This may come as a complete surprise because when we look at the color of iodine as it comes out of it's bottle it is usually a deep, dark orange-brown. However, if you have ever seen iodine crystals, perhaps in the chemistry lab, you find that the color of the iodine's vapor is violet.

Iodine's use in the treatment of wounds was first described in 1839. By the late 1800's, iodine tinctures came into wide use as microbicides. Iodine quickly kills a broad range of microorganisms. In laboratory test, iodine destroys many microorganisms and viruses within 3-5 minutes.

How it kills is not exactly understood, but it rapidly penetrates cell walls, stops or interferes with protein syntheses, and reacts with cell membranes and membrane bound structures.

The use of iodine for cleansing skin or disinfecting small wounds presents some problems. Iodine solutions have a strong smell and can stain skin and clothing. They react to metals and are rather unstable. Some people find it irritates their skin, especially after they have been in contact with it for a few minutes. More so, and more importantly, certain individuals are very sensitive to iodine, such as those with allergies to sea food. Before using iodine on anybody, ask if they have an allergy to sea food, which includes certain types of fish and shell fish. Even if they deny an allergy but state that on occasion they have been a "little" irritated by it, or only got a little bit of an itchy throat, chances are they might not realize that they have a sea food allergy. As a precaution these individuals should not be treated with any products that contain iodine.

REMEMBER: Betadine and tincture of iodine are not the same thing. Tincture of iodine is NOT safe to use. Tincture of Iodine is poisonous! Never use tincture of iodine when piercing skin. It dangerously inflames mucus membranes and if put on a wound or piercing it can result in a toxic level of iodine absorption.

Betadine (Provodone iodine):

Fortunately, various mixtures and solutions of iodine, which are called Iodaphores, have been formulated that greatly lessen such disadvantages and dangers, and at the same time enhance stability and microbe killing properties. These solutions are now in wide use in hospitals, sanitation and water purification, veterinary industries, food service and also the brewing industries.

Betadine (which is 10% Provodone Iodine) is perhaps the best and most effective topical antiseptic agent available. Betadine comes in a variety of forms. You can get it in premoistened swabs, but it's most easiest to find in liquid form in pint and quart size bottles. It's in the "first-aid" section of the drug store.

Unfortunately the drawback of using Betadine solution is that the brownish stain it leaves on the skin is a bit unsightly, however this can be eliminated if the phlebotomist uses two solutions to cleanse the skin. The phlebotomist swabs the chosen area with Betadine. After allowing the Betadine to dry for a minute or two, the phlebotomist wipes the brownish stain away with sterile gauze pads soaked in 70% alcohol. Then the puncture starts a minute or two after the alcohol wipe.

Once the desired amount of blood has been collected and needles have been removed, the skin is wiped with sterile gauze soaked in Hydrogen Peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide cools the skin and helps cleanup any blood. Many people find this a relaxing step and a nice ending to the process of venipuncture. It's best not to use alcohol after the blood collection, as it causes stinging pain and irritates even the tiniest puncture and breaks in the skin that might have already been present.

thank you. All that info just for me!
Sorry this happened 2 u. Mtg has helped others, including me. What helps one person, might not help another. I hope all goes well.
Emotional_High said:
Hi ladies.

After spying for months i have finally decided to join because of all the MTG posts. Well you ladies have tempted me to buy the MTG. I received it about a week ago and have been applying it to my hair every other day. Well, guess what? I was going to apply it to my scalp the other day, but before i did i noticed that my hair was falling out like MAD! I can't even believe it! I guess i'm not the lucky one.

Welcome to LHCF! :-)

OMG! :-O I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope that your hair will improve, soon.

I posted info regarding a horse forum where there was a discussion of problems related to the use of MTG, including, loss of horse hair. Here is a thread that may be of interest to you:

Welcome to LHCF! Sorry to hear about your hair loss from MTG..Its kind of odd that your hair started to fall out. Hmmm, maybe you're allergic to sulfur.
Anywho, welcome and good luck on your journey to beautiful, long hair.

Last relaxer touch-up: May 16th, 2005
Next relaxer touch-up: July 23rd, 2005
Ultimate hair goal: 5 inches past bra-strap length by Dec 2005
I have 7 more months to go and 4 1/2 inches of length to get
there..I have been retaining 1 1/2 in. of ng per month since
Feb.2005 with no breakage so I have a good chance to exceed my goal!
I would see a doctor. You could have an allergic reaction. Better to be safe and know that everything is fine, ya know.

I hope every gets better ASAP.