New member with a few questions!


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am new to lhcf though i have been lurking for months now, lol! I have gathered a ton of information which has helped me tremendously! However, lately I just have been experiencing some serious breakage (yes its breakage, some long hairs some short). My regimine is wash every 3 days, deep condition once a week, and at all times air dry. I surge daily, and take a multi vitamin. I had an incident after a relaxer that instead of reaching for the neutralizng shampoo, i grabbed the clarifiying shampoo. It instantly made this yucky smell, and I washed it out as soon as I realized what happened. Im hoping this is not the cause of all the breaking. Ive tried aphoghee protein treatments, and the roux proousity treatments ( that worked well the first day). I have certain parts that have thinned and broken off dramatically, and are considerably shorter than the rest of my hair. My hair also tangles considerably toooo much!!! I would upload pics but im not sure how. I tried to do it as an attatchment but it said my files were too large.

My question is, I really dont want to cut it, but I do want to thicken it back up, maintain my length, while minimizing breakage, what could i do?

Thank you already for all the possible input. I also wouldnt mind some help with uploading the pics. I would love for you guys to see what im talking about first hand. Be blessed!


well all that being said
I'm new too and though I am enjoying length I've never had, I am experiencing breakage. I tried the Aphogee also and it did nothing. I then tried Motions CPR at the suggestion of some. It didn't do anything for my hair. I used Nexxus Emergencee treatment last night and have notice about a 40-50% reduction in breakage. Instead of 30 broken hairs I'm seeing about 15 -20. :DI will be using it for the next 4 weeks until my relaxer time. Here is a thread I started on Emergencee:
HTH Good luck! I know how frustrating it can be when you think you're doing everything right and getting mediocre results.
Welcome TJD3! :wave:

Breakage could have many causes.

You mentioned you airdry. Do you use heat on your hair after that? Did you breakage occur just after your clarifying shampoo incident or was it happening before? And did you end up using your neutralizing shampoo once you discovered the mistake? Too many high protein treatments can cause hair to become brittle and break off. Are you using a good moisturizing conditioner like Humectress?

Also, are you anemic? A low red blood cell count can cause hair to break off also. The remedy is taking iron but if you feel you are anemic, I suggest to see a doctor for a blood test.
Thanks natalied,

also thanks for the welcomes again ladies! Where can I get Nexxus products. I believe I am a borderline PJ!
Welcome to the board! :wave: I just checked out your pics and based on your first post, it looks like your hair is in need of some serious moisture. :) What products are you currently using to moisturize your hair? Do you usually wear your hair in protective styles every day (Ex: the bun)? If so, I'd recommend using SCurl to moisturize your hair while bunning. You should also look into some hair lotions if you're not using some already. :) If you are, which ones are you using?
Your welcome. I got my Nexxus Products at Ulta. But a lot of beauty salons sell them. If I'm not mistaken, I think I saw it at the beauty salon in WalMart. But I'm sure each one is different. Also, you can buy it cheaper and in bigger bottles on ebay. HTH
That was the fastest I've ever saw anyone construct an album. Geez, I been here for a little over a month and still putting mine together. Oh well....
if you dont want to cut it and want to maintain length while you grow your hair out... get on the Bun Challenge! There are several threads about it. All you do is keep your hair protected in a moisturized bun for the majority of the time. HTH!
LOL! I did slap that album together! Like I said earlier, I had been lurking for a while, and just doing things "unofficially". I had a few pics, but my comp had crashed and they were lost.

As far as moisture goes I have not used S-curl but i have been using the proteing activator gel. I have been meaning to looki nto the s-curl! That and the Nexxus are on the top of my list. As far as the buns go, for whatever reason, my head hurts after being in a bun all day, though the bun is loose. Braidouts make my hair tangle like crazy. I need to find something protective that doesnt cause too many issues.

I looked at everyones albums, all I can say is, im green, lol, but a good green!

by the way, so far, count me in the 2005 grow out challenge, and the better your skin challenge!

Protein is great but overuse of protein can lead to breakage as well. You have to balance it all out w. moisture. :)
Welcome to the boards. :wave:

I agree with Carlie. I'd add a daily moisturizer if you're not already doing it, besides the S-curl. Have you tried Elasta QP's recovery or Profectiv's Break Free moisturizer. Also are you deep conditioning weekly? If not, I'd add that in, too. You want to balance the protein treatments with moisturizing ones. And if your hair is feeling dry, you might want to avoid leave ins that have protein because they can make your hair feel drier as well.
Ok thanks,

I will definatly add those things to my everyday use! as far as that awful breakage goes, should i just leave it as is, or just let it grow some more then trim. This is so disheartening! It was all one length, except for the bang area, and that was chin length, then all of a sudden it started breaking! It is so depressing!
Has the breakage stopped or is it still continuing?

What products are in your regimen right now?
Its continuing. Currently I wash every 3 days, and I deep conditon once a week. I airdry and use no heat products. I use a biotin shampoo, then condition with motions moisture plus conditioner. after i have rinsed out the conditioner i put surge all over, and my haitian castor oil, and i put it in a loose bun till its dry. I try not to comb it but when i am about to wash it. I do believe it is underprocessed. My last relaxer didnt take as well so its super thick up top, and thin at the bottom. Im just not sure what to do. I just recently purchased a tub of perm repair to use as an everyday moisturizer, but im going to look into the scurl, and nexxus products that were suggested. I almost feel like cutting it to neck length and just starting over!!!!
I would concur with the other ladies about trying Emergencee. It's a stronger protein but not as hardcore as Aphogee. Maybe switching to washing once a week but conditioner washing the other two might also help. I use inexpensive conditioners like Daily Defense Tender Apple, Tresemme, Suave, etc for my co-washes and I get great results.

You could also try Nexxus Keraphix or Aubrey's GBP for a milder protein treatment. Humectress is a good conditioner as well as a leave in. If you don't want to splurge on the Humectress, you could try Suave's version or Sally's version for a lot less. :)

I've also been told about Bone Marrow Deep treatment. It's not the Haitian version. I found this at Sally's. I haven't used it yet but I plan to this weekend. It's supposed to be a strengthening conditioner with collagen.

Try some of the suggestions for a bit before you decide to cut. Some extra TLC just might be all your hair needs.
Hello and Welcome

I agree with the ladies a lil moisture is all you really need. I had to do this and my hair has turned around I use Coconut oil and Breakfree after a Conditioner wash and airdry that's it. Bunning for the winter. On my days off I just braid my hair to give it a break from the buns it has shown me I'm taking better care with my hair.

And I have to concur that's the fastest I have ever seen someone get a album up and running.

I too agree with Carlie, I think you need moisture. :)
I just wanted to say welcome. :wave:

Also, I was in your boat (still am I think) and didn't want to cut though I knew I had to. Therefore, I would do mini-trims and as my hair got some length to it I would begin cutting more and more each month. Gradually, it became thicker and I didn't feel as if I had chopped it off and lost months of progress. Anyone can look at my album and tell I was determined to hold on to some length despite how poorly my ends looked. :lol:
TJD3 said:
LOL! I did slap that album together! Like I said earlier, I had been lurking for a while, and just doing things "unofficially". I had a few pics, but my comp had crashed and they were lost.

As far as moisture goes I have not used S-curl but i have been using the proteing activator gel. I have been meaning to looki nto the s-curl! That and the Nexxus are on the top of my list. As far as the buns go, for whatever reason, my head hurts after being in a bun all day, though the bun is loose. Braidouts make my hair tangle like crazy. I need to find something protective that doesnt cause too many issues.

I looked at everyones albums, all I can say is, im green, lol, but a good green!

by the way, so far, count me in the 2005 grow out challenge, and the better your skin challenge!

Welcome!! :wave:

I agree with the overuse of heavy protein treatments. If used to often you have will become dry and brittle. Try doing some moisturizing treatments instead. I like to use my favorite moisturizing conditioner and let in sit on my hair for about an hour. When ever I feel like I am having breakage problems this works great. I do it three times or more a week whenever my prblems arise. Usually after a week of deep conditioning my hair returns to it's normal state.

I also notices that you would like to join the Super Grow Out Challenge. I will add you to the list!!

Good Luck and HHG!
Lorraine said:
I just wanted to say welcome. :wave:

Also, I was in your boat (still am I think) and didn't want to cut though I knew I had to. Therefore, I would do mini-trims and as my hair got some length to it I would begin cutting more and more each month. Gradually, it became thicker and I didn't feel as if I had chopped it off and lost months of progress. Anyone can look at my album and tell I was determined to hold on to some length despite how poorly my ends looked. :lol:

Thank you again everyone, I see that moisture is the culprit and Im up for the fight!

Im gonna dig deep, and purchase the emergencee, lol! I saw your album Lorraine, as well as a few others and your hair is beautiful! Goodness Carlie!! I cant seem to remember anyones name right off the bat, but everyones sportin some seriously lovely locks! I hope by this time next year It will be back in order, because I really dont want to cut it. Im leaving my home now, on my search for all my new products!

Lorraine, does the generic Humectress work just as well for you?

I am on my way out, I will post my results after I use them this evening, as well as post pics!
Welcome TJD3
Don't feel bad about your breakage because mine is alot worse. For me I decided to just rotate between protien and moisterizing conditioners , daily moisterizing and less manipulation. I'll just cut it gradually and keep the breakage under control . I don't know if this helped but best of luck ! You'll find something that will work for you.
Ladies I think Ive figured out why Im having all the breakage!!! My hair is seriously underprocessed!!! As long as I have been on here, youd think I d have realized that! Ill post pics in the morning, but im looking at my hair wet, and I swear, it looks like im transitioning, and the straight parts are all at the ends! I know its not all new growth, surge isnt that good, lol. I touched up my hair about 3 weeks ago, and I think Im gonna go ahead, and just relax it again. Im going to switch for no lye to lye, Im thinking about trying the Motions, since Ive seen good reviews from some of the women on here. I cant believe it took me so long to realize this.

I will post pics of my wash with the emergencee, and humectress. I will be relaxing on sunday. What do you guys think?

SexyC said:
Welcome TJD3
Don't feel bad about your breakage because mine is alot worse. For me I decided to just rotate between protien and moisterizing conditioners , daily moisterizing and less manipulation. I'll just cut it gradually and keep the breakage under control . I don't know if this helped but best of luck ! You'll find something that will work for you.

thanks sexy c!
I know you didn't ask me but the generic Humectress will work practically the same as the Nexxus brand. I think Trade secret might be having a Nexxus sale, where you get one product at full price and a second at half price.

I just went to their website and their liters for Nexxus are two for $25 with the shampoo conditioner combos. :)
TJD3 said:
Lorraine, does the generic Humectress work just as well for you?
I just caught this. I really like GENERIC's version of Nexxus Humectress. It gives me great results (nice, loose curls and moist ends) and I like the price even better -- $3.99 vs $17.99.

Can't beat dat! :lol: