New Member, saying hi


New Member
Hello, like the subject says i'm new to the board. i'm so excited about joining and getting on the road to better hair. I really don't know where to start and i have lots of questions, but i'll search around and see if they have already been answered before i bother u ladies with the same old stuff.


(i hope i'm in the right section for saying hello...i didn't check that first.):ohwell:
Welcome to the forum anniev2 I hope you find all the answers you are looking for and I wish you much luck in achieving healthy hair;)
Welcome to LHCF........believe me you will find everything you need, my hair has made a complete 360 since I been on here, all I need now is growth......girl it's so worth it....but again welcome....and if you need help with anything, I will be glad to help you!