New Member...Please Help!


New Member
Hi I am new to this forum, I became a member because a friend joined last year to get tips on growning her hair and it worked, he hair is down to her waist. My hair is shoulder lenght and I want to grow it to my bra strap or just below it. The big question is...How do I get started? What are the right products to use, there are so many and they all claim to help grow thick hair or healthy hair. Please Help :perplexed
Hi I am new to this forum, I became a member because a friend joined last year to get tips on growning her hair and it worked, he hair is down to her waist. My hair is shoulder lenght and I want to grow it to my bra strap or just below it. The big question is...How do I get started? What are the right products to use, there are so many and they all claim to help grow thick hair or healthy hair. Please Help :perplexed


There is soooo much information here and the ladies are more than willing to help but I think you'd get more than enough help if you posted your request in the Hair Care section lol

It's really hard to tell you what the right products are for you because you haven't given enough information about your hair. And in the beginning of a healthy hair journey, it is mostly trial and error. If you're relaxed, your hair will need more strength in the form of some kind of protein on a regular basis. If you're natural, your hair will need more moisture regularly and not as much protein. It's not as black and white as that but that's the gist of it.

Oh, yea, protecting your ends may be helpful in making sure your hair doesn't break off as it's growing.

If you can find your 'hair twin', someone's hair that seems to look and behave like yours, you can find out specifically what they use to help you with learning how to keep your hair healthy. Keep in mind that even if you find the head of hair that you think is your exact twin, products may not work exactly the same and you'll get different results. Sometimes better, sometimes worse ...

Whenever I have questions, I refer to these two links:

The information in these two threads are the reason why I didn't give up when my hair was drier than a desert and it took almost three days to comb through after braid extensions lol.

Happy Hair growing!!
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