New Member looking for some help!


New Member
Hello all:

I'm at my wit's end with my hair. Last September I had the Rihanna cut but shaved both sides [of my hair] in May of this year. Now I'm trying to grow back the sides but the longer portion of my hair is depressing me. I relaxed too much like a fool, despite knowing better, and lost a good amount of hair. As a result I've decided to cut out heat usage and have been using curlformers/braidout methods, but I'm still noticing breakage/good amount of hair loss. I don't co-wash because I've heard it's only good if you have strong relaxed hair and I deep condition from time to time. I would air dry but my hair is a crunchy, dry mess! I've been depressed so I'm sure that is also taking a toll on my hair.

However, I come to you ladies for some advice: what products could I use to help my hair get back to its thickness? I purchased coconut oil because of the glowing reviews 2 weeks ago and have been using that on my scalp after removing the curlformers. I also need help with shine: even though I tie my hair with a silk scarf at night, when I wake up my scalp is greasy but my hair is THIRSTY! Would deep conditioning more help with this? I envy you ladies and your gorgeous hair and would love to learn some tips. Basically I just need your help:perplexed.

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Just wanted to say hello and welcome you here. :wave: I'm really sorry, but I don't know any answers other than the fact that the reason your hair is thirsty is because you're not really moisturizing it. Oil seals moisture in; it does not, in and of itself, provide moisture.

You might also want to purchase a protein conditioner (like Aphogee) and a deep conditioning, moisturizing treatment and use them more frequently (deep conditioning with the moisturizing conditioner more frequently, perhaps once a week, and the protein treatment once a month).

Perhaps I know more than I thought I did. :look:

Hopefully someone who does will come in and give you the advice you may need. :yep:

Yes, deep conditioning often, on a consistent basis will definitely improve the health of your hair. Coconut oil by itself is great, but it can't really moisturize dry hair. If you don't have one already you should look into using a leave in or a moisturizer and use the coconut oil afterward.
I agree, oil alone will not help with the moisture. In addition to dcing and adding a moisturzing leave in, you might want to try cowashing instead of using poo every time. Some members love it, some hate it. I would try it once or twice to see how my hair reacts. My leave in of choice is Cantu Shea Butter, followed by sealing with an oil .Usuallly Vatika, Castor, or some other Ayurvedic oil. Hopefully someone else will post their favorites.
Benefits of Co-Washing! And the not so good

Forgot to say welcome!!!
Hello and welcome!

Deep conditioning with products designed to add moisture and protein-based for strength are needed. As others have stated, oils help to trap in moisture - they don't provide moisture on their own.

Also use of daily moisturizers used several times a week and sealed with an oil (use a little, not a lot) will help infuse moisture to your strands as well.
well i just created a thread about shedding and breakage that seemed to come out the clear blue sky and it was suggested that i try porosity control.. its a conditioner that helps the hair cuticles lay down flat and be normal again.. it should help the conditioners and moisturizers you do use to stay in your hair longer instead of evapoarting in the air.. and should also help with shine because shine (true shine, not oil sheen shine) is from light reflecting off your hair when the cuticle is laying down flat.. if its raised and or just not laying normal, your hair absorbs the light resulting in duller hair.. or at least thats how it was explained to me.. HTH
Welcome aboard!!!:yep:

If your hair is thirsty, deep conditioning--especially on dry hair--will help.

When I first joined the board, my hair was thirsty. I used to pre-poo overnight with Burt's Bees Avocado Butter Pre-Shampoo Hair Treatment, and it helped a lot.