New Member, how do i get started?


New Member
Greeting everyone. I am new to the board, but I have heard very good things about it. I want to grow my hair out to bra strap length. Can someone please help me out? You guys on here have the long healthy hair I want.

P.S. I just ordered some of that MTg they have for humans now, But what is the best regimen and products to use? I need to protect my ends

My fotki http://
There is a sticky at the top of the page on getting started. It helps you choose shampoo, conditioner,etc.

most people use MTG everyday or every other day.

also, are you relaxed or natural? That will determine the options out there for you in terms of protective styles. The search function is broken right now but once it gets working again you will see that there is TONS of knowledge on the board...more than someone can explain to you in one post.
goood luck!!!!!
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:hiya: Wecome T_shea! You'll find a WEALTH of knowledge here! I suggest you start with the basics.

1. Wash hair 2x per week
2. Deep condition after each wash for 20-45 minutes with heat (Alternate protein and moisture)
3. Moisturize hair 2x per day
4. Keep ends from rubbing against clothes (especially until past shoulder length)
5. Tie hair up with satin scarf at night
Welcome, T! :wave:

To grow your hair is a big commitment, you have to stay consistant to see results. I know it's easy to be overwhelmed when you're a newbie, and you wanna just try EVERYTHING (I know I did! :lol: )

My advice would be to KISS (keep it simple, stupid :) )

Start off with a good shampoo and moisturizing dc, and wash once a week. Find a good moisturizer and moisturize daily. You may even wanna find a good cheapie conditioner and conditioner wash a few days a week, since the winter months can be harsh on our hair. Invest in a good brush, I have a boar brush from Walgreens. When I get some money, I'll get a Denman. Also invest in a good flat iron, popular favorites on the board are Maxiglide, Chi, Fhi and Sedu.

That's pretty much all you need:
A good shampoo
A good deep conditioner
A good moisturizer
A good brush
A good flat iron

You can do a search on the board and find out about a lot of products, to help you figure out what to get.

HTH! :grin: HHG!!
There is a sticky at the top of the page on getting started. It helps you choose shampoo, conditioner,etc.

most people use MTG everyday or every other day.

also, are you relaxed or natural? That will determine the options out there for you in terms of protective styles. The search function is broken right now but once it gets working again you will see that there is TONS of knowledge on the board...more than someone can explain to you in one post.
goood luck!!!!!

Thanks, I'm all Natural since 2003 except for color of course. I checked out that post it was very informative
Thank you guys for the welcome. I appreciate it. Currently I use the S-curl activator, mane n tail shampoo and conditioner, carols daughter hair balm, and Miss Jessie's curly buttercream
Welcome to the board! You'll get LOTS of advice here but choose wisely and give techniques and products time to work. Start with the basics like someone said and keep it simple. Once you find out what your hair likes (and this is important!), stick to it consistently! When something is working, do not upset the apple cart:drunk: by experimenting and cause setbacks. Happy Hair Growing!