New member checking in


New Member
:wave: :bouncy: I can't believe I finally made it!!! :grin: After stalking this website for months, I couldn't take it any longer and had to join. I feel like I know you ladies already since I have been checking out the forum religiously, even in the middle of college midterms. :look:
The advice on this board is amazing. The lovely ladies of LHCF have been a great help to me, even though i never got to ask a question directly. I look forward to getting to know all of you. I feel like I found hair paradise.
I'm a natural and have been on the MTG bandwagon since June 9th when it came. I was far too anxious to do a test patch.
Let's just say I spent a good day checking for patches of missing hair. :eek: :lachen: Btw I love these smileys!
Happy hair growing to all!! :)
chocolate01 said:
Welcome and i'm glad you finally stopped lurking.

Me too! Especially when you ladies were talking about us lurkers, I just slouched in my chair and lurked on. :grin:
You all are kind, thanks.
Come on aboard, I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for in here. WELCOME!!!!

Next relaxer touch-up: July 23rd, 2005
As of June 10th, 2005 already showing almost an inch
of ng in some places.
Current hair length: (blown-out) 1 inch past bra strap
Current hair length: (curly state) 3 inches above bra strap
My Ultimate hair goal is to have my hair 5 inches past bra strap
during its curly state and touching waist length when blown-out
by Dec. 2005.
Pics coming in July!