New line Brazillian Hair Products Shizen


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,
I came across this site for Brazillian hair products.
I emailed the company. They stated that they were fairly new and did not sell to the USA only an Eckerds.
They also stated that they would be more than willing to send me a catolog as well as samples.
If you're intereseted maybe you too can try some products in their line.
Also if you click under "Products" and then go under Essenza they carry a relaxer or what they call "Hair Transformer.
I'll keep you ladies posted when I get my samples
Thanks for the info
i just went and they offer alot of different products. i will check a few up them out at the Eckerds up the street from me. --jainygirl
There's an Eckerds close to my home. I'll have to check them out the next time I'm in there. Thanks for the info.
I never like Brazilian products very much. Even when I lived In Brazil, I used American products, relaxed my hair with affirm or Dark and lovely. I think that here in the US there are so many different products to choose from. My hair has never been as healthy as it is now with all the all american products we have here.