New LHCF Member!


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies, I just wanted to take this time to personally introduce myself to this group. Even though I've made a few responses to some recent topic discussions, I've never formally said "Hello."
My name is Roxanne, I'm 25 years old and I've recently gone natural about 6 weeks ago. Though my hair wasn't chemically straightened I used to blow dry and press my hair. I got to the point where my hair was just thinning out over time and I couldn't take it anymore so I said No More Heat. It's been very interesting and fun learning how to take care of my natural texture - which I haven't seen in years! Anyhow, I hope to continue to learn from forums like these and also share any tips that can help others maintain healthy hair, regardless of hair type!
PS - I'm looking for a hair twin as well!
Welcome Roxanne! I decided a few days ago, last Thursday to be exact
to go natural and I am truly enjoying it. I did the 'big chop', and it truly is wash and go hair. Congratulations on your decision to go natural and welcome once again to the board!
Your membername is so clever, I initially thought it meant "natural rocks". I guess it can also be a pun

I recognize your name from NP. Welcome.
Thanks everybody! And bitesized, congrats on going natural - isn't it so much fun!
About my member name, I guess it can be a pun! lol But it brings back memories because when I was a child and visited Barbados (my parents' homeland), everyone would call me "Roxanne Pebbles." Heehee...
Welcome!!! Enjoyed your album- you are really good at palmrolls/coils and your hair is already thickening up so wonderfully