new Kid on the Block


New Member
Hey girls (and guys if applicable)
I have hit a plateau...please help. I have a little below the shoulder length hair, and I bleach it. I don't perm or relax, but I flat iron maybe 2 times a month. I am a PJ, and have bought everything under the sun. Hair isn't dry and breaking or anything, but I can't seem to get it to grow any more....please help!!!! Any suggestions? I just started taking the GNC healthy hair and nails vitamins, and I have a decent diet. Any words of advice?:confused:
J in San Diego
Welcome!! How are you wearing your hair when it is not flat ironed? How often do you trim?
Welcome! For growth have you tried surge or MTG. Do you wear your hair in any protective styles? This could help with maintaining length.
Welcome! and i agree with what they said. You can also do activities to increase blood flow up there: exercise and stuff. Drink more water, up your healthy eating habits etc.
Hi Brownsugar! :wave: Don't have any advice but just wanted to say welcome and that I love your avatar. If that's you in the pic your hair is really pretty--I love blonde hair.:yep:
Thank you ladies....I FEEL THE LUV!!!! Yes that is my photo in the avatar. And when I don't straighten, I just wash and wear curly (see below). My diet is decent, but I DETEST Water. The only way I can keep it down is by putting Crystal light in it. That's horrible, I know....I'm a nurse...that makes it even worse...I KNOW better, but we don't always do what's good for us, (right?) As for trim, I have it baddddd. Everytime I wash my hair, I trim a little off (have always done that), but normally it grows really fast. Now it's stopped right befor bra strap lenght (I have a LONG torso and neck too! That doesn't help). I go to the gym and hit the treadmill for 40 min, the elipcycle for 40 and then the stationary bike for 40 minutes, and weight train, but again, I've come to a screaching halt. Could I be overdosing on haiar products (conditioners, Noodle head, gels?????) I know hair growth is internal, but I haven't changed anything, and it's not breaking off. I'M going nuts?

I could use a better product for curly hair, though...any suggestions? Currently using noodle head by beyond the zone.


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Welcome aboard. I can only suggest a couple of things: make sure that you taking your vitamins(specifically biotin and msm), try rosemary oil(5-10 drops) diluted in sweet almond oil, try using castor oil as a pre-shampoo treatment, and try adding liquid aloe vera to your conditioners that you do your co-washes with. Hope some of these help.