New Kid On the Block!


New Member
Good Afternoon Ladies, I've been reading this board off & on for a while & have decided to join in :D

I love all of the information, but I must admit its a bit overwhelming so I'm hoping that a little interaction might help me out here :ohwell:

A little background on me, I live in South Jersey and I am wearing my hair natural, not sure exactly what type it is BUT, it seems to be curlier in the back, wavier in the front....kinda like this Kelis/Tracee Ellis Ross thing going on :p

I havent had my hair out in a while, yes I admit to being lazy, very bad I know but my hair has always been pretty much bra strap length long ever since I was a little girl

I USE to have a relaxer but I grew that out about 4 years ago with braids, definitely scary a first, then a challenge ;) because I was forced to learn about my hair but I must say, again, sooooo much to know out there!

My hair is healthier since the relaxer has been taken out & even a bit longer but I want more!!!!! :eek:

I'm trying to develop a system here because I dont think I have one :ohwell:

Heres pretty much what I do:

Wash twice with whatever I can find
Use wide-tooth comb to comb conditioner through
Sometimes I let it sit for a few minutes, sometimes I dont
Wash it out
Towel dry (yes I do the turban thing, my bad)
Section hair off & spray with leave-in my conditioner (Infusium 23)
Comb through conditioner
Then I pretty much throw it in a ponytail & leave it that way :eek:

I KNOW that I'm missing a few important issues with my hair, thats why I'm here because so much of it confuses me so I dont know if I should turn left or right, know what I mean :perplexed

Here's what I want, I would love for it to grow a few extra inches ;) not sure I can hang with you waist length ladies, but I would like to see it grow a little more

I would love some shininess to it as well

As you can tell, I dont have much skill in the hairdressing department, I am pretty low-key when it comes to my hair but I can tell that if I expect to get some results like I've seen with alot of you, then I need to develop a HAIR PLAN :up:

However, I'm not sure exactly how to go about it

I DO know that I'll need to change my eating plan
Take vitamins
Drink more water
Invest in a hood dryer

But theres so much that I DONT know, and this is where I'll need some help :)

Where do I start? I've read so many threads around here that my eyes are gonna go crossed! :eek: Thank you ladies & keep it the good work!
WELCOME sit down and share a bit with us, How often do you shampoo?
Do you get your ends trimmed?
How do you wear your hair up, down, loose. or in ponytail?
Sounds like you have good healthy strong hair We will help with you gaining the length you want.
hairmaster said:
WELCOME sit down and share a bit with us, How often do you shampoo?
Do you get your ends trimmed?
How do you wear your hair up, down, loose. or in ponytail?
Sounds like you have good healthy strong hair We will help with you gaining the length you want.

Hey Hairmaster!

I Have to shampoo my hair every week, if I dont it starts to itch, I try to do it every Sunday

Yes, I get my ends trimmed, not exactly on a consistant basis
MY aunt is actually a hairdresser, but she's from the old school, graduated from Beauty School (is that what they call it?) back in the late 70s/early sometimes I wonder about her knowledge on hair, things are so different these days

I dont mean that disrespectfully :ohwell:

I also ask her to check my ends, and she always says that its cool, my hair tends to grow pretty fast so I'm not one to sulk when it has to be trimmed

Ok heres my problem with my hair, I wear it in a ponytail, ALOT
When I get it pressed (not often) in the summer it completely frizzes up so I'll resort to getting it braided BUT like I said, my hair grows so fast that 2 weeks after getting it braided, it looks like it needs to be done over :eek: and YES this is even after wrapping it every night, oiling scalp the whole nine :ohwell:

So its like Man, my hair appears to be high-maintence but I'm clearly not, which is why I wash, condition, do the ponytail thing & I have this cute 2 toned (because I recently dyed half of it) curly puff thing going on.

I have no problems wearing it down...ok thats not true :lol: I'm just weird about it, hair is such a touchy subject with alot of black women, its a source of pride, beauty, even achievement to some, jealousy to others :rolleyes:

I guess I've gotten so much flack/attention for my hair that I tend to hide it, its not like its down to my crack or anything :rolleyes: but you know how it can get the "she think shes cute" looks, etc etc....I was even assaulted once in grade school over my YES I get very weird about it being out & accessible, people wanting to touch it, asking questions :confused:

Dont get me wrong, I love my hair, its beautiful, I come from a long line of women with beautiful hair, all lengths, colors & textures but so far, I'm the only one who gets really weird about their hair :ohwell:

I'm trying to get over that & have pride in my hair & not hide so much from it...and all of the ponytails cant be good either :blush:

So thats why I'm here, to learn, to grow (not just follically speaking either) and take it from there ;)

Thanx....dang this is long :grin:
Thank you for sharing. does the hair you colored the part that frizzes?
You need to shampoo with a PH balanced shampoo with moisterizers and a cream leave in conditioner.I like Redken Anti snap or Farouk Biosilk therapy.
hairmaster said:
Thank you for sharing. does the hair you colored the part that frizzes?
You need to shampoo with a PH balanced shampoo with moisterizers and a cream leave in conditioner.I like Redken Anti snap or Farouk Biosilk therapy.

Well the dye job is recent, maybe 2 weeks old
Without the relaxer, my whole head is frizzy but on this particular day it was extremely humid out & even while my aunt was attempting to flat iron it, it was getting frizzy IN THE HOUSE :eek:

But yeah, the dyed part did look especially frizzy, I didnt think anything of it, I figured it was just more noticable because I had just dyed it

She had to break out the straigtening comb which helped a little :ohwell:
Welcome! Glad to have you aboard! I just wanted to suggest natural products. I'm relaxed so the extent of my input will be limited, but as far as I know, products that are natural (meaning sans synthetic ingredients, preservatives and fillers) & organic tend to do really well with natural hair.
Thanx Divine

I'm also wondering about steam rollers, does anyone know how well they work?
Are they better than just blow-drying? My hair is curly so air-drying wont give me the pressed look that I would want

So what is a curly girl to do when she wants pressed hair without using too much heat that may damage it? :ohwell:
Welcome. :wave:

I have steam rollers. They work well. They are just a quick way to get the curly look. You only have to leave them in about 20 min. I leave mine in longer to make certain its all completely dried and wont frizz. Try doing doing some searches. There's been a few threads on this.