New Here


New Member
Hi Everyone, I'm new here and gaining a wealth of information. However, if there's specific products and/or regimines that anyone would reccomend, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm going to attempt to go relaxer free, but I love my straight hair and my hair doesn't do very well without it. I'm open to any and all suggestions.

Right now all I do is wash it once a week with olive oil shampoo(Proclaim) and condition with olive oil conditioner(Proclaim). I'll either wrap it wet or air dry. If I let it air dry, I'll run the blow dryer through it quickly and then flat iron. I also us Razac Hair oil or Creme of Nature Anti Breakage
Welcome Tanyaj!! I'd say if you love your straight hair and your hair doesn't do very well without it, you should probably stay relaxed. You can still have healthy and long hair relaxed :yep:. Most important thing is to be happy and confident with it.
Thank you all for the warm welcomes. My cousin is hooked on this site and from the looks of things, I will be as well.
welcome to the site hun and i agree with the last poster if u like straight hair stay relax just make sure to practice healthy hair techniques.
you could add to ur regimen
-stretching your relaxer like if u do it every four weeks go 6 weeks the first time then next 8 weeks and u can keep increasing ur strectch time
-deep conditioning- everyone loves the ors replenishing pak they are $1.18 at sallys here in nj, there's also nexxus humectress, aubrey organics honey suckle rose(its hard to find i had to get mine off the internet. and quite a few of them just keep browsing

and read read read cuz thats how i picked up a lot of information like how to properly wash my hair and a whole lotta stuff i was doing wrong and in no time you will get the hang of things ok, and feel free to pm (private message) any of the members they can be very helpful and they are nice when answering your questions, i consider myself a newbie too so ive been there ok.