New here! I have a few questions (with pics)


New Member
Hi All!

I've been a lurker for 2 months ever since my sister BEGGED me to order her some mega-tek from reading this site. Anyway,I finally decided to join. I BC'd about a year and a half ago to like one inch b/c i was a weave glue wearer (I know, I know, so TERRIBLE!:wallbash:), and for the past year and a half I've been wearing lace fronts. Inadvertently, I practiced good hair tips (only self - relaxed every 12-16 weeks) but also bad since my hair isn't as long as i know it COULD be, and i never moisturized, etc. I ended up using the megatek and the pic with the white line shows how much my hair has grown since June 15th until now.

My main question is am i underprocessed??? My hair is THAT curly with a relaxer! I plan to self relax again around the 15th, then go to the hairdresser to get my hair straightened and trimmed, then I'll braid it right back up and put on a wig! lol. The lace front did a number on my edges for some reason though, any suggestions to grow those back? I want to be arm pit length:lick: by Dec 09, is that an achievable goal?

Sorry this is so long! I had a whole list of things to buy, but then decided that my hair has grown doing nothing the past 1.5 yrs, so i should keep it simple. I use megatek every day or so, and did a protein treatment saturday b/c my hair got soggy from being overzealous the last 2 weeks with moisture! Now i just megatek, will wash ever week with conditioner only, and i bought coconut oil yesterday so not sure about that yet. Also started taking biotin and a mulit-vitamin this week.

I'm going to cut the long pieces b/c they look a HAM, but they're my inspiration that I COULD have long hair again! Up until I was 12 and cut my hair I had bsl to mbl hair.





It looks like you have a texturizer and if you really want your hair to be straight, you should let a professional stylist you trust give you a proper relaxer so that you don't inadvertently texturize your hair again.

Honestly, I think your texturized hair looks cute, even the long strands. I would not try to straighten the hair but continue to texturize and let it grow. Trying to relax your hair bone straight might weaken your strands.

Also, if you plan on hiding your hair or wear wigs, I definitely would leave the long strands alone and not cut them until my hair was the length I wanted.

And finally, are you sure your hair was less than 2 inches long a year ago because that's a heck of alot of growth. Seriously, if your timeline is correct, then your hair is growing at at least one inch per month if not more and you should be APL by December.

Good luck and welcome to the forum. :)
my relaxed hair never curls back up. i would say that you are underprocessed (a.k.a. texlaxed). it looks nice like that.
Yes, I really cut off ALL my hair a year and a half ago exactly in mid september. I wish i had pics but i was so embarrassed to be bald and not into haircare at the time. It was so short i couldn't even braid it for my weaves - had to kinda twist it and sew those in place with string.

I actually like the curly hair kinda too. I have a twin sis and she said the other day "I've barely seen your real hair in years...who knew you had curly hair!?!!" LOL. I want to grow it to me that would be a great length just b/c for so long it's seemed like my hair would never grow again! When i had the glue i was stuck on the same length for years, until i swear ALL my hair was covered in glue and i had to just cut it off and start over.

I don't know if there is a difference between texturizer and relaxer?? I actually use a relaxer! I used to use dark and lovely regular but i switched to ORS regular the last time I relaxed in mid June from the recommendation of my sister from reading this board (made my hair oddly greasy but really soft).

I guess I could hold off on cutting the random pieces, but i do want to go to the hairdresser just to have it straightened and trimmed and to SEE what it looks like straight (i haven't used heat on my hair for 1.5 yrs, another inadvertant healthy hair practice from wearing wigs).

I haven't been to a salon in at least 8 yrs. I haven't trimmed ever, unless the big BC counts.

I'm hoping I can get a brazilian keratin treatment next june if my hair is long enough. My mom has really nice hair that gets straight with a blowdryer, but i NEED a stylist to straighten mine every now and then to get it light and blowing in the wind and then i can do the upkeep.

This weekend i'll look for middle school pics to post lol - i had LOOOONG hair! **SIGH***...if we only knew then what we know now...
Looks like you're already APL. You'll see when straightened and your hair looks texlaxed. It is very pretty.
Welcome aboard!!! I like the way your hair looks in the pics, even if it is underprocessed.

In terms of growing your edges, you can try Jamaican Black Castor Oil, or a mixture that includes rosemary or peppermint, or growth serums (Karen's Body Beautiful and the Jane Carter Solution sell them).

Also, you can try a mixture that Nonie used on her edges:

1. Thyme Essential Oil-2 drops
2. Atlas Cedarwood Essential Oil-2 drops
3. Lavendar Essential Oil-3 drops
4. Rosemary Essentail Oil-3 drops
5. Jojoba Oil-1/2 teaspoon
6. Grapeseed Oil-4 teaspoons
