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Hi I am a biracial 25-year-old 3c from Minneapolis. I recently "texturized" my hair (if you can call it that) after growing it natural for 2 years. It is about neck length curly, collarbone length blow-dried.

I am thinking of going for a second pass at the texturizer, for many reasons. Reason 1: my blowouts are not pretty. I roller set/flat iron my hair and have had great results in the past with relaxed hair doing it this way. But now--my hair views it as a joke and I look like Dianna Ross of the Supremes.

2) I want length. Nuff said.

3) I want a change, and this texturizer looks pretty much like my natural hair.

The stylist used a motions relaxer and left it in for about 2 minutes. I wanted her to deliberately underprocess it, but I dont think she grasped the true thickness of my hair. What I want to know is am I safe asking for her to do another pass at it, with a different brand of relaxer? I am not feeling this motions relaxer--I have had plenty in the past to know when something is quality or not.

On the other hand, I want my relaxed coil to match my natural coil enough that I can get very infrequent touchups without worrying about breakage. I also want to go back and forth between curly and blow dried. No limp hair. I fear the limpness more than the frizz.

How straight should I go (if I should go straighter at all)? And which relaxer should I have her use?
Welcome to the board!
She probably should have left the motions on for about 8 minutes. It is not a strong relaxer therefore excellent for texturizing. I don't see anyting wrong with another pass as long as your hair is already healthy. I have done this to my sister's hair before and it came out great with no adverse effects.
But if you decide to use another relaxer be careful because it may straighten a lot faster. You all may want to do a strand test first to see how long to leave it on.
Hi Cardinalfire

I'm sorry I don't have any advice re: texturizing but I wanted to say "Welcome." It's good to see another poster from the North Star State here. What salon/stylist do you go to?
Hi! I went to VIP Salon on Hennepin Ave in downtown Minneapolis.

Yep! I'm Carrieola at But now that I have crossed over to the dark side (relaxing), I thought I might get better chemically-specific advice here.

Are you sure about the motions being a good product? Maybe it was just my stylist's aftercare that was lacking, cause I felt like it was harsh and left residue. In the past, my relaxers never left a stink for more than a day--this one lingered.
Carrie and Blossom on the SAME board? God help us all!


Hi Carrie! Good to see you over here!
Hey there!

I experienced something similar when I opted to texturize a few years back. I went to a stylist who basically applied the relaxer and rinsed it right out. I didn't get the look that I wanted - in fact it seemed to have no effect on my hair at all. About 2 weeks later I applied a Motions relaxer (mild formula) and left it on for 5 minutes. I parted my hair down the middle and did one side at a time to avoid overprocessing. I also applied conditioner to my hair before applying the relaxer - another technique to avoid overprocessing. When I was done I had slightly looser curls, less bulk and less frizz. I didn't experience any damage from re-processing at all and went on to wear my hair texturized for about another 2 years before I did the big chop.

SVT said:
Carrie and Blossom on the SAME board? God help us all!


Hi Carrie! Good to see you over here!

[/ QUOTE ]

Welcome Carrie!