New Here:Advise please!


New Member
I finally subscribed after a few months of reading. You ladies have convinced me that I need to be the only person to touch my hair, so thank you for that!
Here's my very brief history. I have 3b/3c hair, I would say. I used the same stylist and relaxer for years. He used Rusk anti-curl stage 1 for as long as it's been on the market on me with NO issues. Some breakage here and there but due to poor handling on my part and overstyling, nothing major. I moved out of state a few years ago and after travelling to see him yearly. (I only really needed to relax once or twice a year) I decided to find someone local. I went to a "reputable" salon. You can guess the rest...This girl convinced me to use a new relaxer...blah blah blah. A week later my hair started falling out. It fell out for 6 weeks straight. I let it grow out and got on vitamins and have been trimming it back till it is finally even (almost one year later) at chin length. There is still some relaxed hair at the sides, but most of it is new growth. It is too hard for me to manage and I am dying to relax again! I ordered some rusk anticurl..I learned on here that I should never have switched because of compatibility. I can't believe this woman didnt check. I don't know what she used on me. My question is, can I use the rusk on the hair that I know is all new growth,about 80% of my hair? I did a test strip at the back over a week ago and it was successful. I just want to make it a little easier to straighten as I grow it out.
My other question is is it normal after a chemical error like this for the hair to continue to break at the line wear it was relaxed even months later? My new growth seems to be strong and all even. Finally, can you recommend some good conditioners/protein? Sorry for the long post...This has been a huge deal in my life, as I'm sure you all understand. thank you!
Sorry, to be pushy! I'm bumping this because I'm desperate! I'd also like to add that I would like to try relaxing just half of my hair and waiting to see how it takes and then doing the other half a week later, but not sure if this is safe.
First of all, welcome.

I'm not qualified to answer any of your questions; when I was relaxed, I took piss poor care of my yea. :look: But what I will say is that you seem to be starting on a good path by doing a patch test run on your hair. If you haven't done so already, you might want to use the search engine to get the answers to what you are looking for (conditioner, protein, relaxer application suggestions and techniques). Keep in mind, all the information you'll find is really based on that individual's experience. No one can say for certain what will or will not happen to your hair. If you had no previous issue with the relaxer and you are working with all new growth (80%), it might be safe to assume that you just might be okay.

Proceed with caution and arm yourself with knowledge. HTH

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Hey West, welcome, and no, you are not being pushy at all!!

Before I offer suggestions can I ask if your sole intent of growing out is for the hair to regain its strength before relaxing again or do you plan on going all natural??

Also, I think the breakage is due to the line of demarcation separating the new growth from the relaxed ends. There are countless threads on how to minimize the breakage from ladies who stretch their relaxers for months. Most pamper their hair with lots of moisture, co-washes and deep conditioning to minimize the damage caused by the demarcation line.

If your intent is to relax, I strongly do not advise you relax half the head. I'm sure relaxed-head ladies can offer their suggestions.
Thank you for your suggestions! I've found a lot of information already on here I guess I'm just hoping some of the relaxed ladies that have experience with switching back from one type of relaxer to another can tell me when they think it's ok to do the Rusk anti curl again, having just a little bit of pre-relaxed hair left. I can work around it or chop off the remaining bits but I'm still a little anxious about putting a chemical on, even though I used it for years and never had an issue. My hair is driving me crazy! I really wished I'd found this site before letting someone ruin my hair!
Oh, and to answer your question, no I don't plan to go natural. I really love my hair on the anti-curl because it still has wave but I can manage it straight and I always had good length. I don't even care if it's longer than SL, as long as its healthy!