New growth already or overprocessed?


Well-Known Member
I got my retouch relaxer on Sept. 28 after about 9 weeks. I think she used a phyto 1 instead of a 2. My roots are puffy/wavy especially when I air dry. I like my hair bone straight. I stopped back by the salon and had the girl look at my hair (very sweet by the way) and she said that it just looked like new growth to her and that my hair should have that much growth at 2 1/2 weeks :nono:. I told her that at this rate I would need another relaxer in a few weeks and how should I manage that when I am used to going 8-12? She said that if I still wasn't happy to come back but that Phyto would allow your hair to grow faster anyway because of the botanical nature of the product. What should I do? Should I try to wait it out? This is NOT ng on my head. My hair doesn't grow THAT fast.

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The same thing happened to me. The first time I used Phtyo II and my hair was straight and nice with texture. The second time back in August, I used Phyto I and my hair was not as straight as when I used Phyto II. To me it was underprocessed although when you comb thru it it was soft. My hairdresser said it was texturized or texlaxed I guess. I too thought about going back before my twelve weeks to get a touch up but I decided to stick it out. I wash and DC every three days which keeps my roots soft and I make sure and use products which work for me .

The first thing I did though after about two weeks was to give myself a strong Aphogee protein treatment so I strengthen the hair. The key too is moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. I only use heat cap heat when DC. No other heat and I rollerset every night that helps as well.

I thought either my new growth was so thick it became resistant to the milder relaxer ( since she combed through my hair twice and left it on longer than it should) or I just did not prepare my hair well enough for the realxer. I did not clarify or did any of those things and I know I had about five or seven days of moisturizer and oil in my hair so I said that may have caused it too, maybe I am wrong, I will see how it works next time.

So I think you should stick it out. Just give you hair more moisture, protein and TLC.
Phyto would allow your hair to grow faster anyway because of the botanical nature of the product

That sounds suspect to me. I've never heard of that and I used Phyto for over 1 year. I would wait it out at least another 2 or 3 weeks.