New Girl On The Board!


Hello Ladies,
I came across this site through another site I was on about haircare. I been reading the board trying to figure out how to accomplish healthy hair. I am so happy to have found a site thats dedicated to growing healthy hair and with women thats going through the same thing. After reading the board, I realized that I need to do an aphogee treatment on my hair because my hair shed/breaks so much. Everytime I do my hair in the bathroom it's all over the floor and my clothes. My hair stylist has been telling me that I need a protein treatment but I didn't know what to find in the store because I only go to the stylist to get my hair relaxed. My hair is shoulder length but I have breakage in the back of my head and the top of my head. I had the back of my hair shave in 2000 and I really don't want to take that route again. Also, I want my hair to thicken up because I use to have thick hair before I got a perm. I hope to get some pictures posted soon!
Liz25_Ga said:
Hello Ladies,
I came across this site through another site I was on about haircare. I been reading the board trying to figure out how to accomplish healthy hair. I am so happy to have found a site thats dedicated to growing healthy hair and with women thats going through the same thing. After reading the board, I realized that I need to do an aphogee treatment on my hair because my hair shed/breaks so much. Everytime I do my hair in the bathroom it's all over the floor and my clothes. My hair stylist has been telling me that I need a protein treatment but I didn't know what to find in the store because I only go to the stylist to get my hair relaxed. My hair is shoulder length but I have breakage in the back of my head and the top of my head. I had the back of my hair shave in 2000 and I really don't want to take that route again. Also, I want my hair to thicken up because I use to have thick hair before I got a perm. I hope to get some pictures posted soon!

I am glad that you are here and you have made your first step to acquiring a great head of hair. Sounds like Aphogee should do you well. I love the stuff and look forward to getting some to do my hair next week (not for breakage but as a preventive measure). In the near future, you may also consider implementing a really good vitamin. Just continue to review the board and you are sure to find something on here, as you already have, to accomodate your hair needs. Again, welcome and happy hair growing!:)
Welcome! :wave:

I'm sure you'll like it here.
Remember to balance out that protein treatment with moisture afterwards.
I'm glad you decided not to shave your hair in the back. My old stylist suggested that to me when the breakage in the back was real bad. I didn't let her do it. With some trial and error on my part it's coming back in nice.
Take starting pictures of your hair journey and post them when you can. Us ladies love hair updates. :grin:
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Welcome Liz! I am new to this board too and I am learning some great things. Moisturizing your hair and keeping it moisturized is another great tip. I want my thickness to return, as well. I am already seeing results by CW and using MTG. Do a search on the forum for MTG---there is so much valuable info on this board. I just love this place!

Check out my fotki to see my pics. to see the quick growth. (My first set of pictures revealed how much hair I thought I had, I really didn't have.):grin:
Hi girl- welcome aboard- i have seen you on and - I no longer have a perm but you may wanna try Jherri Rhedding's 100% natural protein conditioner- can be purchased at sally's - this protein treatment works well for me- also make sure that you are moisturizing daily and shampooing weekly as well as deep conditioning weekly( i like Lamaur's bone marrow- it is a mild protein). Hope this helps- if you have any other questions please feel free to ask.
Welcome have you tried NEXXUS THERAPY OR HUMECTRESS CONDITIONER. If you have not it is a proven way to repair damaged hair. Shampoo your hair with therapy then humectress conditioner under plastic cap under hooded dryer for 15-20 minutes.
Do this treatment ever 4 days for 4 weeks then everyweek.
Thanks Ladies for the welcome! I hope to get some pictures posted by next week. Carmeldiva, I did a conditioner wash last week and this week I did a preshampoo treatment with castor oil. I still have to buy some more hair products.
I really haven't gone out and bought anything new yet. The only nexxus product that I bought was the nexxus botanic oil. My hair stylist use alot of nexxus products.
:wave: Welcome :wave:

Your hair condition sounds like mine when I first joined. My hair was EVERYWHERE -- My boyfriend used to tease me about shedding everywhere. I learned a lot from the site, cutting heat out of my regimen, the importance of deep conditioning & most importantly moisturizing every chance you get -- It will go a long way! Good Luck on your journey to a healty head. I am sure you will get there in no time!
Welcome, We love newbies! The ladies here are full of hair advise and we look forward to getting to know you.