New form of sexuality……symbiosexual


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Are You A ‘Symbiosexual’? Researchers Discover New Form Of Sexuality​

Posted on 6 hours ago - By Shannon Dawson

Researchers from Seattle University have discovered a new form of sexuality called “symbiosexual,” when a person has a strong attraction to the “power shared between people in relationships” according to a recent studypublished in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.

Symbiosexuality is unique because it focuses on the attraction to the dynamics and energy or “synergy” between people in a relationship, rather than simply being attracted to multiple genders or preferring relationship structures with multiple partners.

To find out if symbiosexuality was widely practiced in the U.S., Dr. Sally Johnson, an adjunct professor of anthropology and sociology, and her team at Seattle University, conducted a survey called The Pleasure Study, which featured 65 questions and took about 20 minutes to complete online. Participants were asked a combination of multiple-choice questions covering gender, sexual orientation, relationship practices, culture, education, and sexual pleasure, with a focus on experiences with couples. Additionally, participants who expressed interest in further involvement were invited for interviews.

Group of happy people enjoying wellness relax weekend. Man with two beautiful women in bedroom.

A polyamorous couple – Source: nd3000 / Getty

Johnson and researchers found significant evidence of symbiosexual attraction.

Out of 373 survey participants, 145 (38.9%) reported being attracted to couples. The 145 survey participants who reported experiencing symbiosexual attraction were diverse in terms of age, race, ethnicity, social class, and relationship identity, with the majority being between 21 and 40 years old (74.4%), predominantly White (66.4%), nonreligious (78.0%), and holding at least a bachelor’s degree (71.1%).

The Pleasure Study also found that around 47.4% were middle class and residing in the USA (65.5%). Additionally, a substantial portion identified with queer sexualities (90.3%), non-monogamous relationship identities (87.5%), and various gender identities (34.5%).

Reflecting on the unique study, Johnson told the New York Post, “We need to rethink the nature of human attraction and desire as only one-to-one experiences.”

Group of happy people enjoying wellness relax weekend. Man with two beautiful women in bedroom.

Source: nd3000 / Getty

Why do people practice symbiosexuality?

Individuals who engage in symbiosexual behavior are often referred to as unicorns, people who like to engage in sexual activity with couples but do not “participate in other aspects of the relationship” according to VeryWellMind. One participant, identified as Angel, shared that their attraction to couples stemmed from a desire for abundant “care,” “affection,” and “intimacy” in their sexual experiences.

Another participant, Eden, expressed that their attraction to couples was driven by a strong need for validation and a desire to feel desired. “I seek a lot of validation, a lot of validation, and when there are multiple people like that, I feel like oh, yes, yes, I’m doing things right,” Eden added.

The characteristics of individuals who experience symbiosexual attraction include being extroverted, seeking high levels of intimacy, not feeling jealousy and being sexually open and queer among other distinct attributes.

Are you symbiosexual? Tell us your thoughts about this unique study in the comments section.

I have had women suggest threesomes with DH and I. I was disgusted. I could not understand it. This article explains it. I have had men in relationships suggest threesomes to me. Not my thing. I am too prudish and I have watched enough docs to know the downside of such unions.
What happened to good old fashioned h***?

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That is what I am thinking! Trying to glorify and justify the whore life by calling it “symbiosexual”. Folks just want to :censored: without the “baggage” of being in a relationship. Or they want another’s persons man or woman and what to justify it by saying they are symbiosexual.

This world…..
