New Era Relaxer and other Ammonium Bisulfate Based Relaxers?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone had any experience with these kinds of relaxers? :look: I saw someone on BHM say they had a good experience the New Era Relaxer but I've never seen anyone here mention using an ammonium bisulfate based relaxer. They sell it at sally's and black bss's. The active ingredient in New Era is ammonium bisulfate, where in regular relaxers the active ingredient is sodium hydroxide (I hope I have that right?). Ammonium Bisulfate is used in white people relaxers but apparently can be used for any hair type. It cannot be used on previously relaxed hair. The New Era Relaxer supposedly is not a cream but a gel which when is heat activated loosens the curls/kinks. Just curious to know if anyone here uses it and has any reviews?:yawn:
New Era is a old old relaxer....I remember being used on me when I was in junior high - it is very strong...I did not like then and I see why it gathers dust as the BSS ...

I would not risk it...go with the tried and true...IMO
never even heard of it...for good reason perhaps? i'd be even MORE worried about overlapping on lye-relaxed hair
My first relaxer was a New Era (circa 1989). I didn't know any better, but it seemed to work okay. If I were you, though, I'd stick with the tried and true lye or no-lye relaxers because once you use New Era, you're supposed to continue using it or else grow it out and start over with a lye/no-lye. It was HELL finding other stylists who used it.