New Dominican Experience


New Member
I had to tell you guys about my consultation in a Dominican salon today. I posted a thread two weeks ago about my unpleasant experience trying a texlax at a Dominican salon. The scabs on my poor scalp are just now starting to heal. N-E way... I went to a different salon today and the first words out of her mouth were "You need a relaxer":mad: Granted, my hair was left pretty underprocessed after my last experience, but she sounded like she wanted to try to apply another one this weekend (IF I keep the appointment). After two weeks? I think not!!!!!!!!

She then proceeded to tell me my hair was UGLY!! Yes, that is the word she used. Now, I will admit that my hair looks pretty bad around the edges (bad experience with micros, but that is another story) but I was like:eek: !!!!!!!!!! She did say that she could nurse my hairline and hair back to health with weekly conditioners, but can't I do that myself?

I am just not sure ladies. I did not get an attitude with the lady, because my hair is pretty torn up, and I just can't seem to get pointed in the right direction. Should I at least try her out? Please help!
Personally I wouldn't let anyone who thinks my hair is ugly nurse my hair back to health. That is appalling coming from a stylist. I think alot of times stylists forget that they are providing a service, and customer service is very important. it's one thing to say your hair is very damaged, but to say it's ugly... :nono:

But even if you leave all of that out, I wonder what her definition of pretty hair is, and what it is that she would have to do to make your hair pretty... (i.e. frequent relaxers, lots of blowdrying, etc.)
Maybe you ask one of your friends or coworkers with healthy looking hair for a recommendation. I've been where you are and the last thing you need is discouraging remarks from a so-called stylist. What you need is a stylist who is interestered in caring for your hair and is supportive of you. Telling a woman her hair is ugly is insensitive and unprofessional.
it might have been a language barrier, as in she couldnt find the right words to use and ended up using that. I'm sure that was probably the case, sorry to hear about that :(
She should have not addressed you in that manner. To say that your hair is ugly was very offending. I believe she was trying to tell you that your hair is very damaged, but she used the wrong words. It could have been a language barrier or poor social skills; whatever, it was uncalled for.

If it were me, and this is just my opinion, I would at least let her tell me her plan for repairing my hair. Ask what products and regimen she will use and if the products are ones that you can buy yourself and do your own treatments at home, then you no longer need her services.

However, if you do decided to go back to her, let her know that you were offended by what she said. That way you and she can start fresh with an understanding of how you expect and demand to be treated, no matter what the situation. I know that she is SUPPOSED to be a hair professional but that doesn't give her the right to insult you.

Whatever you decided, I wish you luck.
I can't believe she said your hair was ugly. That is so mean and very unprofessional. :(

But she did say she believes she could nurse your hair back to health.... and many Dominicans "know" hair.... so i might give her a try.
How rude. :mad:

I've read your story about the other salon...and now this woman calls your hair ugly? Geez.

She says can make it better with weekly CAN do that at home, and keep that money in your pocket. Have you ever thought about just bitting the bullet and doing your hair yourself? No one can love your hair more than you can. :)