New Creature=New Friends? Kind of long=[


New Member
I've been a Christian for all of my life, but a few weeks ago I made a serious decision to truly repent and give my life and everything in it to Christ. A lot has happened in these few weeks.I am so thankful because I have grown so much in this short time.:yep:

But as most of you know, the closer you get to God, the bigger your eyes get. I am a college sophomore, and last year I was not close to God at all. So all of the friends I made were in the same boat as me. Ironically, my close group of friends at home are all striving to grow and die daily just as I am. But my friends up here are stuck in their worldly ways. They are Christians[one's Jewish], but they aren't walking or living it. Every little thing is sticking out to me now, from cursing and other vulgar language, to gossiping and putting people down. I no longer partake in ANY activities that I used to with them[clubbing, drinking, gossiping, etc.], but because I built such a close relationship with them, I'm not sure what to do. They all live in my resident hall, so I can't just avoid them, and one is my roommate. I want to just run away, because I really do not know what to do! When they gossip, I try my best to put on my headphones or just leave the room, but that's impossible to do when they're talking directly to me:wallbash:

I sound like a spiritual punk, feel free to call me out on it! Because I've never experienced this level of closeness with God, I've never had to deal with this before. But one thing I do know is being close with worldly people will always create a never-ending battle between my flesh and my spirit. And because I am "mentoring" the one girl in the bunch who wants to grow, I don't really have anyone to lean on except my girls from home. I started going to a church up here, and once my schedule is consistent I will start attending Bible Studies. I just don't know if I should challenge them everytime they do or say something wrong[ I can do that with my friends back home, but idk if the people up here will appreciate it.they will most likely think I'm judging them:nono:], drop them, or just let time do its job.

I pray about this everyday.
Any input would be greatly appreciated:yep:
Praise God that you have decided to fully die to yourself and let Jesus be the Lord of your life. I had a hard time with that in the middle of my spiritual life. I wanted it my way at one point and was talking God for granted. He wants us to yield to him in everything we do, big or small. I encourage you to also take advantage of what he has given us to praise and worship him like each person is different. I know for me, it's staying on Christian type forums, studying the word while I'm at work, listening to gospel music at work, home, and in the car. We were created to worship him and it's a beautiful experience. I'm happy to meet another sister in Christ. If you need anything, we're here for you.
Thanks for sharing your testimony - that is awesome that you have dedicated yourself back to The Lord!

Makeupgirl has already shared some great advice.

I would add: just continue studying, praying, and growing as a believer. It wont be necessary to "call out" or "correct" everything your friends say, just let your light shine.

Matthew 5:16 ... Let your light so shine before men, so that they might see your good deeds and glorify your father which is in heaven.
That's an awesome testimony.. :clap:

Stay focused on God, He'll deal with your friends... :yep:
I'm going through something similar actually, but your case is definitely more difficult (with the roommate and all) so I commend you for staying strong. I don't have much advice other than:

*Seek Christian fellowship (through church, bible studies, etc.) - which you've already mentioned that you will do
*Continue soaking in the Word - this will help sharpen your sword (your offense against Satan)
*You don't have to avoid these friends; yes, refrain from activities that will poison your spirit and heart but don't avoid these people when you see them outside of these activities; your spiritual presence may be what is needed to save them or point them closer to God
*Lean on God for the time being until you can find a mentor - lean on him through prayer and personal time, which you've been doing
*Pray to God for guidance as to how to "challenge" your friends - my friends are the kind that I should not challenge by directing them to what they are doing wrong, etc.; I just try to reach them in other ways (my presence, how I live, my walk)
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Just posted this in the Single Christians support thread but wanted to repost here since some of you here who were on my mind may not visit there:

Just letting you ladies know that you and your families were/are on my heart today. I'm praying strength in your walks; edifying associations; deliverance in the face of temptation; and God's protection against all danger, seen and unseen, in Jesus' name! :yep::hug3:
I went throught something similar. Had been saved all my life but as I got older I veered more towards worldly endeavors with my unsaved friends. But there came a time when I gave myself over to truly being Holy.

What worked for me was being honest with my friends. I told them that I had felt convicted in my heart because a lot of what I was doing contradicted what I knew to be right/holy. I told them that because of my own convictions I could no longer club/go to guys houses/fornicate etc. I told them I still appreciate them as friends and definately still want to hang out (movies/shopping/chatting etc.).

In your case I wouldnt call them out for anything theyre doing (the christian ones-unless you have that kind of relationship) because that most likely will not yield positive results. But make sure you let them know its about you and YOUR relationship with God and not about them. They may become convicted within themselves when they see your conduct.

But just be honest. THey will appreciate knowing whats going on with you and probebly make their own accomodations for you while in your presence.
I agree be honest and open with them. Tell them that you have gave your life to Christ and all that old stuff you dont' want to be bother with anymore and really stick to it. they will test you because that is just what people do and thats a good thing because it helps you build up your faith and strengthens your character. You have to be willing to to though the fire for Christ and he'll be right there with you. He has promised that he would never leave you or forsake you. Some might follow you others want to see what it is about your "new" beliefs that has made you change and again that is good because we always need to be able to stand up for what we believe and give our testamony of the Good that God has done for us. I had to revamp my life. My family is distant from me now that is okay because I am excited about my future and I am hoping at some point my excitement might make them seek God with their whole heart without fear. thats really is what its about letting your light shine before the world. I am praying for you sister that God gives you the courage and the strength to endure and to remain faithful to him. God Bless.
I agree with what most ladies have already said about you being honest with your friends. If what they are doing is dragging your faith down, I would not participate, but you can still do harmless stuff such as shopping or going to the movies, etc. Please don't judge them as we are all on a journey. There are righteous-looking Christians (talking the talk, etc.) who are dealing with stuff that goes way beyond a few 4-letter-words, so none of us are in a position to suddenly feel more righteous than the other anyway.

Also, pray to God to bring people into your life who will edify you and who you can fellowship with. Pray that God moves whoever should be moved from your life and bring whoever needs to be in your life. This is a dangerous prayer to pray as you may well find that you are on your own for a time. It all depends on what God wants to do in your life right now. But either way, God will honour your prayer.

ETA: I just wanted to quickly add this: There is (naturally) great excitement when we discover (or re-discover) Christ for ourselves. There is passion and flow of emotion, very similar to what we humans liken to "being in love". Unrighteous behaviour (even as small as a swear-word) literally stinks to us. I see the same kind of (almost self-righteous) behaviour with newly naturals (sorry, I had to throw that in there). It's called the honeymoon period. I say this, because I have been where you are, and I only wanted to hang with people who thought like me, and who experienced God every day (like I did at the time). The real test comes when the "chips fall" and God suddenly appears silent; when life throws stuff at you that you didn't even see coming and the devil asks you why you are going through this, since you are a Christian. What I am trying to say is, do not discard people because they are not "talking the talk" right now. Your journey may well minister to some of them. I hope I am making sense here. Work on being consistent in God because this will be tested whether you like it or not. Concentrate on growing in your walk with God. Ask Him to guide you. Ask Him whether you should still associate with certain people. God will surely answer you, and in asking Him (the Holy Spirit) to lead and guide you, you will continue to be victorious, but more importantly, you will develop an intimate relationship with Him (which is what He longs for).
I hope all this made sense. :)
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Thanks so much ladies! I can definitely tell that my walk is ministering to them, and everyone around me.

Last night, one of the people I was talking about came into my room and asked to see my Bible. I was :blush:!! I asked him did he need one to keep, or just to look at for a while. He said that he wanted to look up the scripture that's on my dry erase board...he read it and just said "that's deep". Then today, I had a conversation with a few people about secular music. I was going to try out for a fashion show, but I changed my mind because I don't listen to music like that anymore and I don't want to support it. Then we got into this long conversation about music, church, preachers, and a lot of other topics.

I'm sharing this because, until you all commented, I never thought that I could be bluntly honest with them about my faith and about my relationship with God, so being able to share those things was such a burden lifted off of my shoulders.

And about being judgmental...I find myself doing it a lot, but everytime I have a judgmental thought, I ask God to remove it and to help me focus on my own downfalls and growth.

But once again, thanks so much for your wisdom:yep::spinning::grin: