New color and bootcamp plans(& paging OnlyErin)


New Member
Hey kids...

I colored my hair today with permie color. The plan was to do this once a year as spring began to sping..and the nice weather today inspired me so I took the plunge...

I did Textures and Tones in Bronze at the recommendation of a poster who had PMed me about color and whose PM I've since deleted so I can't properly credit them - but GIRL THANK YOU!

I LOVE the way the Bronze came out and I loved too, that it was in the line I like to use (T&T) and that it wasn't in the blond family so I won't have to balance my rinse colors so carefully to maintain the exact shade I want. It came out a GORGEOUS reddish, blondish, bronzy shade, and looks a lot like a makeup bronzer color. I suspect that gradual lightening by the sun and using Glorious Gold and Honey Wheat Sebastian as a toner over this, that I'll be able to maintain a really lovely sunkissed shade all summer long. My hair was shiny and bouncy after coloring, and all of the benefits of using T&T were reminded to me when I used it again this time. I really like this stuff!

OnlyErin sent me a PM about post color care and I was formulating a long reply when my computer had a fatal error and all my babbling was erased.... Now, that may be a good thing
(because I tend to be a little wordy and it was getting long) but since I plan to use the same routine the poster was asking about for the next few weeks I figured I'd post it on the board. Maybe some of you will be looking for a new shade soon with summer approaching. I call this regimen my "color bootcamp"...

Hope it helps someone...

I had a relaxer about 4 weeks ago and I don't plan to relax until June 1 - in six weeks. This is ordinarily how I schedule the intervals between relaxing and using permie color. I like to give my hair plenty of time to recover from the relaxer before the coloring process, and then plenty of time to accumulate a little new growth after the color and before I relax again so I don't overlap the fresh color as much. Some overlapping is unavoidable, but this ensures that I have at least a half inch of buffer space between my scalp and the colored hair. When I relax, I will coat the ends of my hair with the balm Elucence makes for preshampoos and basing. It further protects the previously colored hair from overprocessing when I retouch.

Directly after my color treatment I applied Nexxus Emergencee according to the directions. Then I applied NACIDIT Olive Oil conditioner as a moisturizing conditioner for 10 minutes, no heat. Then I rinsed and applied Fantasia IC Leave In to reseal the cuticle, and rollerset. I also added some Silken Seal to the last 3 inches of my hair - again to seal those fragile cuticles after the color assault. The next two times I wash (in three day intervals - I'll wash again on Tuesday and then again on Friday) I'll use a moisturizing conditioner like NACIDIT - my Feria conditioner will get some use in this rotation as well. I use these for 20 minutes, no heat. Then, next Monday (in another 3 days) I'll do a wash with a creamy protein treatment and leave that in, WITH heat, for 20 minutes. Rinse and follow with moisturizing conditioner. I'll repeat this process every three days for the next six weeks until touch up time. I will mositurize daily with African Royale Diamond Drops - a fav of mine - a silicone serum and essential oil mix that really softens my hair and improves pliability.
Only Erin - this is the regime you asked me about. Your demi-permanent shouldn't have contained large amounts of ammonia (most don't) but any it might have had will be well counteracted by the regimen above. Don't panic. I think your hair will be fine if you give it the TLC it requires. But trust me, you have little to worry about with demi-perms. I used them last year over rinses, permie color and highloghts with what amounted to bleach and still no problems. Demi-perms are generally mild products. If it wasn't a demi-perm that your stylist used, the regime above was what I use for permie color, and should certainly suffice.

I'm glad you liked the color!

Because I also got a trim this weekend and the little wench took off a little more than I wanted (3/4 of an inch instead of a 1/4)
I'm going to wear protective styles to make sure that the newly cut ends stay healthy. I won't trim again until November. It's no shorter than it was in Feb tho - so those pics are still valid.

I'm going into bootcamp - frequent washing, the exact conditioning schedule above, protective styling and daily moisturizing - because I anticipate my hair is going to be the PERFECT color this summer and I want to really be able to enjoy it. I'm so excited
! So I can really enjoy the color, I want my hair to be healthy, shiny and in great condition, and I know careful and consistent attention to the above will do it for me. By July 4th weekend I'll be able to wear my hair down and really show off my hard work some.

If anyone wants to join me in bootcamp - feel free.
I'll be doing it for two months and could use some support.
This is so awesome and informative. I wish I would have had access to your knowledge when I had colored my hair way back when!!!
Re: New color and bootcamp plans(& paging OnlyErin

Tracy, I wouldnt mind joining you in bootcamp. I'm a bridesmaid in June. I wouldn't mind having healthy hair and a nice body by then. My hair isn't colored, but I want great hair.
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Tracy said:

Because I also got a trim this weekend and the little wench took off a little more than I wanted (3/4 of an inch instead of a 1/4)

[/ QUOTE ]

Tracy i'm LMAO!!!!! You sound like me when i curse people out

BTW that T&amp;T color is gorgeous, I've been eyeing it for a while but i know damn well my hair is in no condition to perm color yet. I was going to do a Jazzing in Creme soda and cross my fingers
Girl you are so thorough. If I was ever gonna color my hair, I would definitely want you as my stylist
. I can't wait to see the color, so post some pics soon okay

Thanks so much! That is wonderful information, and I'm saving this as a fave thread for reference. I was able to dig up an oldish thread where you outlined a post-color regime and followed some of the steps, and I am pleased to report NO breakage or shedding, and my hair feels much less dry.
That's a good idea about having a "buffer" area of new growth so that the overlapping is minimal. My hd was commenting about my new growth and it's been just shy of a month since my last touch up. I plan on going 'til the end of June, though. I'll join you in bootcamp as it seems like it'll be very beneficial to my hair and it's easy to follow.

Oh! And thank you and BRH for the raves on L'Oreal Unfrizz. I got the Smoothing Treatment and the Taming Creme, and ooooweee! That is some good stuff! I also got a sample pack of the Mega Moisture and I like it muchly. I will definitely be using that in my regime as it has given my hair lots of slip and moisture.

So glad you like your color. It sounds really pretty. Since I had so much anxiety over the demiperm or whatever in the world this is, I will think about T &amp; T as the lowlights grow out.

One other question - I have the Sebastian's cellophanes in clear. Would this be beneficial to put on the hair at some point? I haven't touched it because I seem to recall BRH having some dryness issues with it, so I figured I'd ask.

Thank you again sooo much! You are, indeed, the color maestra!

I haven't really finished reading this thread but I am so excited for you. I am dying to color my hair but not sure if my hair can take it. I don't know if my hair is damaged or to what extent but I can't wait for the day that I can pull off the double processing.

I am so happy for you yet so envious at the same time. I can't wait to see your hair!!! Now let me try to read this thread!

Your bootcamp regime sounds like the strict regime Leejure and Gldspoon used to be on back on BHSGO.
Tracy do you think the Elucence stuff can be used to protect against overlapping of relaxers?

Also, what creamy protein conditioners are you considering using?

Your regimen sounds great. Are you going to rolleset your hair after each wash?
I'd chill for a while Erin and see how your hair responds to the color you put in. Give it about 6 months or so before adding any more ammonia or peroxide based colors - including T&amp;T.

BUT.... a clear Sebastian in about 2 weeks from your coloring date will not only add a nice shine to the hair but it will also help close the cuticle down some more that was opened a little during the coloring process and will help bring the PH of the hair back down closer to normal if it's not back to normal already. It will also protect the strands from environmental and manual abuse and seal those cuticles which helps avoid moisture loss which you should be watching for when you color and relax.

BRH did have some dryness issues but I think it's safe to say this is uncommon. I think of everyone's that's tried it on the board she was one of the few that experienced this. But if you are concerned and want a first hand idea of what your hair would feel like if it were responding negatively I am sure BRH can give you a pretty detailed idea of what that's like.

Good Luck nena....
Hi Tract

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Tracy said: BUT.... a clear Sebastian in about 2 weeks from your coloring date will not only add a nice shine to the hair but it will also help close the cuticle down some more that was opened a little during the coloring process and will help bring the PH of the hair back down closer to normal if it's not back to normal already. It will also protect the strands from environmental and manual abuse and seal those cuticles which helps avoid moisture loss which you should be watching for when you color and relax.

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If the colorshines seals the cuticle. Then how do you get moisture in your hair? For example, if I used the colorshines on Monday and on Tuesday and the rest of the week applied some type of moisturizing agent to my hair, will the colorshines block the moisturizer from penetrating my strands? Thanks!
Hey babes!

I also use the Eluence for the protection of the hair from general overlapping. I use a LOT of this stuff. I use it on my hairline when I do semi-perms, as a preshampoo mixed with conditioner, as protector for when I do realxers after coloring and as a scalp base for my touch ups.

My creamy protein conditioner arsenal has been the same for a while now. I choose from several as they all give comparable results: La Maur Bone Marrow, Dudley's Hair Rebuilder, HI PRO PAC, Revlon Roux Mendex, and Infusium 23 Power Pac.

I'm going to wash and set when I do my once a week creamy protein treatments. Other than that I'll be letting my hair airdry into curls. Of course that's sunject to weather and event concerns - and I may just end up wearing my hair one way or other for two weeks straight depending on how I'm feeling. the truth is since I'll mostly be wearing it pulled up loosely into an updo it won't really matter much. I really have to take care of this color because my hair has been SOOO nice to me.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
If the colorshines seals the cuticle. Then how do you get moisture in your hair?

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Because we're talking semi-permanent color here cutie-pie, not bank vaults...

Semi-perm color seals the cuticle as much as anything can "seal" the hair won't seal them closed like a door being shut. It's just not the same concept. It's not that extreme. Color (and ACV, and conditioners overall) lays the cuticle down moreso than it might be able to do on it's own. They lay flatter and provide greater protection to the's enough to create a marked difference in the overall health, shine and resiliency of the hair.....

It is possible that a moisturizer applied the day after a Sebastian is applied might not as penetrate as deeply and/or quickly as it would the day before but 1. that doesn't last for long and 2. I always advocate using a very mositurizing conditioner right before Sebastian or any rinse to make sure your hair is well conditioned underneath.

I think people over-analyze this - it really is fine to use this product without worrying about moisture not getting to the hair. I have used them and recommeded them for years and the only person I've ever known to have any difficulty with it so far is BRH (and I'm sure there are more than her all I'm saying is it's not common). So it's possible - but IMO - not probable.
Thank you pun-kin...

BTW I didn't forget you. Presents are forthcoming - finals are kicking my bootie right now...

But they end on Monday. Expect some goodies shortly thereafter...
Hi Beana-boo

Yes I do get creative when I curse people out!

Hey what color is your natural hair honey? Jazzing in Creme Soda might now show up.....
Well that's conforting. I still have a full bottle of clear Sebastian's ColourShine but I was unsure as if I should use it again. My other concern was that the rinse would have to be applied frequently with me since I do ACV rinses. I think that ACV rinses make the rinse come out quicker than it would have than if you weren't doing ACV rinses. Am I right? I don't know if I read this somewhere or experienced it firsthand but somehow that is what I have been led to believe.

Thanks for posting your boot camp regime. I recently colored my dark brown hair to a coppery red color. I will be taken extra precautions too with my hair.
Yay another bootcamper....

I'll check in with the rest of you all in a few weeks to see how we're doin'.....
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Tracy said:
Thank you pun-kin...

BTW I didn't forget you. Presents are forthcoming - finals are kicking my bootie right now...

But they end on Monday. Expect some goodies shortly thereafter...

[/ QUOTE ]

Good luck on those finals!!
I'd trust your instincts Daviine - I don't ACV rinse frequently enough to know how they affect semi-permanents....

You can apply a rinse as frequently as you choose - opting to wait a full 4-6 weeks (the recommended application interval) even if the ACV takes it out some (especially since you won't notice that it's out because it's clear) or you can apply more frequently (say every 4 weeks like I do) because you want to.

There's no reason not to go with either of these options - it's simply a matter of preference. If you like your ACV rinses then keep tham and work the rinse in as you see fit and as dictated by your personal preferences.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Because we're talking semi-permanent color here cutie-pie, not bank vaults...

Semi-perm color seals the cuticle as much as anything can "seal" the hair won't seal them closed like a door being shut. It's just not the same concept. It's not that extreme. Color (and ACV, and conditioners overall) lays the cuticle down moreso than it might be able to do on it's own. They lay flatter and provide greater protection to the's enough to create a marked difference in the overall health, shine and resiliency of the hair.....

[/ QUOTE ]

Gotcha Tray! Thanks for your reply
The primary reason I got back on the ACV rinses is becasue I was having a mystery scalp condition and the ACV seemed to help alleviate it. I have since gone to a dermatologist and was prescribed two shampoos and a cream for the scalp for seborrheic dermatitis.

I haven't filled the prescriptions as money has been tight so I don't knwo what role ACV will play in my regimen now. It would be a shame to let this rinse go to waste though.

Perhaps in the summer I will try a colored rinse to test out the ACV theory. My only concern with colored rinses is running on my clothes should I get caught in the rain. This happened to my cousin on Eastern Parkway at the Labor Day Parade...and she had on a crisp white shirt!!!

Anyways, I'll be thinking about it. Do you think the rinse will help with these mysterious split ends I seem to have developed?

And secondly--the directions seem to be more complicated than the directions of the Jazzing (what I used to use back in the days). First of all, I was trying to figure out how do I know how dry 75% dry is?
The second thing was ..when it says the plastic cap should be air tight--you can use a regular plastic cap as long as air can't get in right? I was confused last time and wrapped plastic wrapo around my head AND used a plastic cap.

Anyways...that's enough rambling for this post.
LOL Daviine you are the INTENSE!

Yes girl the regular old plastic cap will do. Just towel dry your hair and that's 75% dry. The point is just that the hair not be soaking wet whne you apply the rinse so you don't dilute it too much.

I wouldn't worry so much about the bleeding. Avoid white shirts for the first week after application just in case you get caught in the rain.


I'm not laughing at you baby...I'm laughing with you....

Such a cutie you should be an accountant or something! That attention to detail and imagining up "what ifs" is a rarity.....

On a serious note tho - Jazzing does bleed more than'll have that problem much less ioften with other brands.
OMG--that's 75% dry!!! I let my hair air-dry and kept trying to scrunch it to see if if that might be 75% dry.......

My hair must have been 98% dry----that and the plastic wrap must have done me in.....No wonder my hair wasn't blinging. I'll have to try it again soon!

I wish I paid attention to detail---I do on trivial matters but not where it shoud really count like paying bills...

Anyways, thanks for the info.....
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
sbaker said:

Thanks for posting your boot camp regime. I recently colored my dark brown hair to a coppery red color. I will be taken extra precautions too with my hair.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oooh, I bet that looks so cute on you!
You gotta take a picture! Everyone's getting new summertime hair colors, I'm jealous!!!
Heeeyyyyy - YEAH sbaker...I wanna see some coppery brown new summer color pics!

Let us seeeeeee.....

Ms. Kenesha.....whatchawaitin' on girl? Git u a box....

That is if you feel like it.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Tracy said:
I did Textures and Tones in Bronze at the recommendation of a poster who had PMed me about color and whose PM I've since deleted so I can't properly credit them - but GIRL THANK YOU!
I LOVE the way the Bronze came out

[/ QUOTE ]

That was me, Tracy. I use the Bronze too, and I LOVE it. I get so many compliments on it. It's not brassy like some colors can be. I'm also planning on using the Sebastian's Colourshines in Glorious Gold over it for the summer! I can't wait to try that!

Anyway, I'm so glad you liked the color! I knew you would.

Take Care! (OH, I'll be joining you in your bootcamp program!!!)

LINDY! OMG GURL - THANK YOU!!!! ANd please forgive my oversight in not rememebring who you were...

I really love this color. I too have gotten a lot of compliments on it - even just today!

It's not brassy - that's just what I love about it. It's a real bronze shade, but you can tell it's gonna lighten beautifully with the sun - am I right? It just looks like the most natural "I am a lifeguard so my hair is kissed by the sun" color - Girl, I am tickled...! Thank you so much for your rec...

A round of applause for Lindy y'all....!

Ok - wait maybe only I care - but I am CHARGED enough for ten people!

Thank you again m''ve made my hair summer already.....

Besitos a ti....
Ms. kenesha,

I like it so far. My brother says he hates it but mostly I have gotten compliments on the color. I will be posting a picture soon.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Tracy said:
A round of applause for Lindy y'all....!

Ok - wait maybe only I care - but I am CHARGED enough for ten people!

Thank you again m''ve made my hair summer already.....

Besitos a ti....

[/ QUOTE ]

Aaaawww, you are TOO cute, Tracy!
and you're very welcome!! I'm sure the color looks beautiful on you! I hope you post some pictures of it soon!!!

Yep, the color will definitely lighten up in the sun. I'm telling you, ever since I tried that color I will never use anything else. Such a pretty color, and no ammonia either??!!Can't ask for better than that

We might tempt some LHCF ladies to rush out and buy this shade now, huh??!!!
It really is a nice summer color!!