New Challenge: Beautiful Me in 2006


New Member
Hi Ladies:

I hope all is well with you in this new year. I want to start a new challenge, and hope people will be eager to participate. If someone has started a similar challenge, I apologize, but couldn't find it in my searching.

Anyway, this challenge is not just about growing length or thickness, etc. It's a challenge to inspire us to grow in every area of our lives (or an area you really need work on). If you are already in a challenge, this one shouldn't conflict with any others.

It's called the "Beautiful Me 2006" Challenge. There are no requirements other than for us to list the areas that we want to grow. I believe as our hair grows, our spirits, minds, bodies, souls, etc. should also grow and improve. I began to realize that I wanted to feel beautiful both inside and out, and wanted my inside to match my outside.

So whatever area(s) you want to develop, improve, change, etc. feel free to join this challenge. If you want to eat more healthful, this challenge is for you. If you want to quit smoking, this challenge is for you. If you want to have a more humble, positive spirit, this challenge is for you. If you want to like yourself more, and be the person God (or other) created you to be, this challenge is for you. As discouraging as our hair can be, it can and will grow. And I believe, other parts of us can grow with our hair. So, here are the things I want to improve on (in addition to growing my hair):

(1) Really seeing myself the way God sees me
(2) Becoming less critical of myself
(3) Accepting compliments, not just to be nice, but to really see myself as worth of them
(4) Really developing a good workout plan (I workout now, but sometimes allow schedule to stop me)
(5) Continuing to know that just like my hair grows everyday, so do I as a person. Not allowing mistakes to make me think I'm awful.
(6) Becoming a more open person

Any takers??? (sorry so long)
Wow, this is a really great idea! I love the name so much I'm going to steal it for my buddies on my weight loss website!:lol:

I am really looking forward to working with this challenge. I feel that when you are really happy inside, the outside shows too. And I'd love to get both parts of me to where I want them to be. I'm totally up for this cocoberry!!!

Along with some of the things you mentioned, I also want to
-Stop being judgemental of others
-Be more honest with myself and others
I would like to join this challenge!!!

Steps I want to take to make myself more beautiful...
*First of all, become more Christ-like, read the Bible more often, and pray more often
*Eat healthier (this is a very hard one for me)
*Develop a good workout plan (I'm going to start running tomorrow)
*Stop procrastinating on school work (this is a hard one for me too)
*Find something I would like to do with my life (my major is accounting but I cannot see myself being a CPA all my life)
I'm in! :)
  1. Seek God on a daily basis
  2. Love Myself
  3. Eat less sugar
  4. Hit the gym 3-4 times a week
  5. Drink Water!
I'm in!
I want to
1. Follow and give God glory in everything I do.
2. Enrich my mind, body in soul.
3. Inner and outer health
4. Learn to love myself unconditionally.
5. Eat right
Thanks for starting this thread it came at a great time. Here are some key elements that I want to focus on. I want to mend my spiritual relationship with God while toning my body

1. consistency in prayer
2. increasing my love walk and practice patients and peace in rough situations
3. daily affirmations
4. taking baby steps and being ok with baby steps 1 pound at a time, one dress size at a time
4. enjoying the ride - enjoying every aspect of the transformation even the physical and emotional pain is joyous - how many people would love to be able to walk let alone run or lift weights but cannot because of a disability. The pain of working out is a blessing. I will remind myself everyday.
Great Ladies!

We will check in once a month, and more if necessary. If you need an encouraging word or any uplifting, or if you want to give some inspiration, please drop a note in this thread.

Any more takers?
wow beautiful idea:D i want to be beautiful inside out. lose weight, go to the gym, eat healthier, be more focused and productive and be my highest self, the best me i can be spiritually,mentally and reach out to others more and learn to communicate more with my loved ones and keep harmony rather than being right all the time (two tauruses in a household cant hang sooner or later they will butt heads hahaha):lachen: and of course how can i forget :eek: grow long healthy hair hehe:lol: :grin: :D :p
ekomba said:
wow beautiful idea:D i want to be beautiful inside out. lose weight, go to the gym, eat healthier, be more focused and productive and be my highest self, the best me i can be spiritually,mentally and reach out to others more and learn to communicate more with my loved ones and keep harmony rather than being right all the time (two tauruses in a household cant hang sooner or later they will butt heads hahaha):lachen: and of course how can i forget :eek: grow long healthy hair hehe:lol: :grin: :D :p

Wonderful Ekomba! Welcome to the Challenge.
Count me in...

(1) Fellowship with God daily
(2) Let my outside reflect my inside (stop being so lazy when it comes to my physical appearence) blue jeans/sweat pants and T-shirts hair in ponytail everyday.
(3) Finish various remodeling project's I've started around the house
(4) Have better eating habits (currently on Atkins... PCOS so I need to be)
(5) Loose 40-50 lbs.
(6) Get those clothes off my treadmill... and actually use it- :lachen:
Lotus said:
Count me in...

(1) Fellowship with God daily
(2) Let my outside reflect my inside (stop being so lazy when it comes to my physical appearence) blue jeans/sweat pants and T-shirts hair in ponytail everyday.
(3) Finish various remodeling project's I've started around the house
(4) Have better eating habits (currently on Atkins... PCOS so I need to be)
(5) Loose 40-50 lbs.
(6) Get those clothes off my treadmill... and actually use it- :lachen:

Welcome to the challenge Lotus!
I was asked by an LHCF member to give diet tips for healthy eating. I'm no expert, but I do try to follow a balanced diet. Here are the tips I follow:

(1) Drink lots of water. I almost exclusively drink water. This keeps my body replenished, hydrated, and flushes out toxins. It also keeps my body feeling filled, so that when I eat, I get fuller faster. Also, when you drink non-water, like soda, coffee, it flushes out of your system faster too!

(2) Make sure the food has a purpose. When I put something in my mouth, it should serve a purpose. The main reason we eat is to fuel our bodies. However, what we fuel our bodies with is very important. If healthful foods are the majority of food you eat, even having a small treat once a day probably won't hurt you. Also (and this is just me) if you really want something, you probably shouldn't totally deny yourself. What I've learned is that if I really want a piece of chocolate, or I really want ice cream, denying myself won't make that craving go away. Some health experts say, fill your body with healthy food, and you won't be hungry anymore. However, sometimes, even if you eat the healthy food, you still want the treat, and you end up overeating both. Now you've put way more calories in your body. I guess this isn't a problem for me, since I don't really eat a lot of junk food, but just consider it.

(3) Find fun ways to cook healthy foods. Healthy foods aren't as bad as most people think. I've always enjoyed eating healthy, and now it's just a part of my life (from childhood, my mom and dad followed a pretty healthy diet--no pork, little beef, veggies, not too many sweets, etc). Your body and energy will love you for it. I also think your hair and your overall spirit will improve by incorporating more healthy foods into your diet. You don't have to throw out everything overnight, just begin to add more veggies to your diet. Or more fruit. Or more water. Over time.

Remember, the purpose of Beautiful Me is to allow ourselves the process of improving over time. Just like it will take our hair time to reach the various goals we have set, it will take time to improve on other areas of our lives.

I hope this info helps, and please feel free to add any other "tips" you think will help!!!!

Have a blessed day! :) :) :) :) :)
