NEW! Chagrin Valley Tea Rinses


Well-Known Member
I did a search and I don't see any other posts on this. Has anyone tried Chagrin Valley's new tea rinses? Any reviews? :grin:

I've never done tea rinses so I'm not sure if it will simplify or complicate my routine (lol) But I'm still considering ordering the trial sizes.
I read about them but haven't ordered, one day I'm sure I will. For now I'll stick to my rosemary rinses.
Thanks for starting this thread op! For the past week, I have been lurking in the coffee/tea rinse challenge thread and just happened to check the forum this morning and see your thread. Off to take a look at the CV's site.
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Sounds lovely. They have teas for different hair colors...I likey:-) You should inquire within the coffee/tea rinse thread...those ladies about all the tea rinses. hth.
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I saw those, so I went onto camden grey and picked up all the ingredients to make my own much cheaper or you can order from vistacost.
I probably won't after all. I don't "need" rinses since I don't have problems with softness or shedding but maybe others will.
Sounds great for those who are interested in rinses. It's too time consuming and messy for me . I prefer my homemade Ayurvedic oil treatments.