New beautician nervousness.


Well-Known Member
I just found a new hair dresser and I am a little nervous about the first visit. She seems great: rave reviews. I have seen her work fresh from the shop talked a client who gets the same services I would like. I talked to her as well. Her own hair looks good. Both she and the salon she works at are professional. Her prices are reasonable. However the real test is all in the first visit and I'm nervous. I'm not nervous about haircuts. I'm nervous that she will fail to give me what I ask her for in general and I will have made no real progress in finding a regular beautician. All I need is a professional hairdresser who delivers on what we talk about and is professional.

I know many ladies are into DIY but is anyone else actively searching for a beautician. Thoughts on that process?
Yeah, I can understand why you are nervous. Unfortunately, you won't really know how good she is until the appointment. I am always on the look out for a good, with resonable prices, stylist. I usually ask people for recommendations. I don't do extensive interviews but I do discuss my before we get started. I have no problems speaking up so if they do (or even look like they about to do) something I don't like/want, I say something. I only get my hair done 2-4 times per year. Luckily, I don't have to deal with this too often.