New Ateeya video (I think she's been lurking on here!)


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
I rarely watch her videos anymore, but I ran across this new video and I notice her hair looks healthier than it has in yrs. She has that thinkness and health from two yrs ago. I stopped watching her due to her mostly promoting weaves and her real hair was looking jacked up for a min, but in this video she's using Shea Moisture and Kinky Curly products on her relaxed hair, I think she's lurking on the natural boards or thinking about being natural but hasn't stated that...yet
Shes been on Sistaslick's site and has been working with her.

Ooooh, I didn't know that. I did notice in the video she mentioned air-drying and I never heard her talk about air-drying her hair before. I really like her hair again and she needs to keep up this new reggie.
Shes been on Sistaslick's site and has been working with her.

Oh okay b/c I was like "Since when does Ateyaa use Shea Moisture and Kinky Curly?"

I thought she was reading the comments...:look:

Well great for her, her hair has always been nice to me. :yep: It can only get healthier from here and longer!
I know she received the science of black hair and was really happy about. I generally ignore of vids but her hair does look really good.
I know she received the science of black hair and was really happy about. I generally ignore of vids but her hair does look really good.

That's nice whoever sent it to her. A case of catching more flies with honey than all of those "her hair is the same length", "all that heat" "she needs to come to LHCF" comments. :yep:
she was one of the first people I watched on youtube, I didn't know better back then. They way she was combing her hair shows she has yet to truely embrace proper hair care :nono: I mean I can hair the snap of the comb everytime she encounters a knot
That detangling had me cringing. My shoulders were pushed up into my cheeks and my skin felt tingly. Badbadbad. At least she's done with all the excess heat. But nahh. I still can't watch her

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So this is the woman that obnoxious guy makes fun of? Her hair looked awful to me until she used the curling iron on it. You could see like every strand/end :perplexed
Ateeya may have questionable hair practices, but her hair is consistently pretty and she has such a pleasant attitude. :yep:
I watched a few of her vids last night/this morn I love the bounce, body, and shine she has. I envy that. I'm determined to take better care of my hair I just have to learn the hair terminology here on LHCF and get some hair products. I just looked through my bedroom closet, dresser, and bathroom closet to see what I have so that I can do my hair and all I found was some spritz, wrap lotion, oil sheen, olive oil polisher, care free curl activator, moose, hairspray, braid spray, cocunut oil pomade, mink oil moisturizer and they all are almosted finished except the coconut oil, spritz, hairspray, and oil sheen :(. I have a few bottles of shampoo and conditioners but none that are appropriate and they are mostly finished as well.
I won't comment on her hair, but I am glad that she's using great products now. I hope she wears her hair out more often.
I'm just glad we get to see her real hair again. :yep: I switched off a bit when she was showcasing all those weaves.