new, addicted, and in need of help


New Member
I found this site on Friday and have spent this entire Thanksgiving (Canadian) glued to my computer. I have been experiencing severe breakage and finally think I know why now. It's just possible that blow drying and flat ironing my hair 3-4 times a week, and NEVER moisturizing, NEVER, could possibly be the culprit. Tying my hair up in pony tail, while exercising, with an elastic rubber band six times a week couldn't help either. (I know! I know! Bad. Bad. Bad.) Anyway, I've tried to be a good student and learn from all you ladies w/ gorgeous hair. I've pieced together my first regime and would love any feedback. I've started off purchasing Nexxus products:

pre-shampoo: olive oil & ??? (not really sure what to use)
shampoo: Nexxus Therappe & Biotanoil (switch b/w two)
protein cond.: Nexxus Heraphix (use 1x every other week)
moist. cond (deep cond.?): Nexxus Humect.
leave-in.: Nexxus Headress

reconstructor (use 1x every 4 weeks): Nexxus Emergence
daily moisturizer: Jojoba Oil or Nexxus Headress (?)

So my questions are:
1. What constitutes a daily moisturizer? Product suggestions?
2. When doing a reconstructor treatment, do I need to do anything to prepare the hair?
Hi Rachel! Welcome to the board, it was a good find wasn't it? Well, for your pretreat shampoo you can just use olive oil strait, mixed with other oils, mixed with coconut oil, or honey.

To prepare you might want to use a clarifing shampoo. It's not necessary. For your daily moisturizer you want to look for something with water as the first ingredient. That's very important. There are so many moisturizers out there, you may want to try Elasta QP Mango Butter. It's available at Walgreens (although my Walgreens doesn't carry it

Do you relax your hair or it it natural? I'm assuming you relax since you are using a reconstructor once a month and a protein conditioner twice a month. I don't know if that's too much or not?

Oh, and another thing you will benefit from is using distilled water as your final rinse after conditioning your hair. You will notice a difference.

Also remember never to go to sleep without a satin cap or scarf, or a satin pillowcase. Hope this helps
Rachel Hi, I like your name b/c its mine too but anway your regime sounds fine to me. Just stay focused about your goal. I know Nexxus products and expensive so if your not worried about the cost then good but if down the line you are looking for cheaper products Creme of Nature is very gentle and leaves your hair very moisturized. Also for a moisturizer you an use distilled water and seal it with some kind of oil like, Hot Six or Olive Oil.

I hope this helped and welcome to the board.
Thank you guys so much for the welcome. I'm in the middle of my first reconstructor treatment (deep conditioning phase right now). After rinsing out the Emergence I still noticed a lot of hair go down the drain and/or plaster itself onto my back. I'm not panicking. Yet. I'm assuming it will take a couple of treatments to correct my hair. Right?

I'll definitely try the distilled water after rinse and olive oil before shampoo for my next wash. As for moisturizers I'll look for ones w/ water as the primary ingredient. Unfortunately we don't have Walgreen's here, and the drug stores around me are limited in their product offerings. It may take some time before I find one.

Once again thanks and I'll keep you posted.
Oh wait, am I planning to do too many protein treatments? (1 reconstructor and 2 protein cond. a month)

I am so glad you found this board. Just realize it is going to take patience and a lot of care to reverse the damage your hair is experiencing. The change is not going to occur overnight. If you hair is extremely damaged and not responding to some of your treatment, you may consider getting a really deep cut to remove the damage and then just working with your newly cut hair. Just a thought...
