tHicK hAIr dOn't CarE
I'm mostly a lurker but I wanted share my progress!!
As of this week I am exactly 17 months post relaxer. I haven't had a trim since December of 08 and that was only an inch. I haven't seen my hair since June 15, 2009 and that was only to wash and do an Aphogee treatment. I am in dire need of some new hairstyles. But if I don't keep my hair in protective styles it will give me the urge to cut it. At the moment I don't want to cut it at all period end of story.
Maybe in February, when I am 24 months I'll cut some more off. It has to be a gradual thing for me because I went to so many stylist in the past that were scissor happy and I am ecstatic with the length that I have now.
My ultimate transition goal is 3 years. The crazy thing about my transition is that I only had a relaxer for 19 months in my entire life and it did so much damage that it is taking me 3 years to repair
Wow you are definitely long term. What styles have you been wearing up to this point? I was only relaxed for a little while as well and barely kept up with them while relaxed and I feel lost. I hope to make it to 17 months but at this point I hate my relaxed ends so much I wouldn't be surprised the moment I am able to have my natural hair cover a half wig the scissors come out and get to work. I am just trying to avoid cutters regret as I have that right now, my hair length now is the shortest it has ever been and it has been very hard for me to deal with even with relaxed hair.