Never considered being Natural.


New Member
Hey ladies! I don't really post here, but I' constantly reading to get tips and idea's. Before I found LHCF I never even though about being natural. When I came here I realized that being natural was more then dreads and afro's.

In July I started using Megatek and just overall started to take better care of my. My hair was thriving and it was healthier then it had ever been. Then, I made a big mistake! I went to the hairdresser in Sept (photo's on my signature), I loved the cut and loved being pampered. I told her I was using megatek and I started to go every two weeks to get my hair done. She told me I needed a protein treatment and I listened against my better judgement. The first treatment was fine.

Two weeks later I go back and she says I'm going to give you a deep conditioning. Ladies follow your gut. This but wipe did not give me a deep conditioning she used ore protein. When she rinsed it out of my hair, my hair was sooo tangled. I just sat there, because I knew something was wrong. Long story short when I got home every time I put my hands in my head my hair would just snap. I immediately washed my hair and deep conditioned. I couldn't get my hair back into shape so I just kept it moisturized and cut it down little by little. The entire time I just wore half wigs.

In November I relaxed again, but my hair was just an uneven mess, because I had to cut so much. I continued to wear half wigs until February when I got kinky afro twists. Once I took them out the other day I just decided to cut my hair all the way down to the new growth.

I kinda like it, but it has to grow on me. I'm not sure if I'll ever perm my hair again, we'll see. But for now I'm going to enjoy being natural and experiment with it. I'm thankful for the beautician who jacked up my hair, because if it wasn't for her I would have never gone

Thank you LHCF for the wealth of knowledge that you share everyday!

Here's the link to my slide show of my hair now pics/?action=view&current=46eb10c1.pbw

sorry this was so long!!

ETA: I stopped using Megatek after my hair disaster, and just started back this morning. I don't blame megatek. I blame myself for not following my heart.
Congratulations on your decision to go Natural! I too never thought about going natural until joining this board..
Good for you! You have to pay the woman a visit in a few months to show your healthy new growth and show her you knew better.
yea!!!! welcome!!! to the other side! lol!

I never planned on being natural but I knew I had to stop perming and it is a more than a hairstyle for most, it can be a journey of self-acceptance too. You will find that others will have a problem with your hair and make subtle comments but stay strong!( if you decided to wear it in non-straight styles). Congrats.... off to look at your pics!

ETA:: your hair looks beautiful and thick!!!!
We all have had setbacks. You have made GREAT progress. And I think it is fun being "natural'. You don't need that beautician. You have us now :lots: We will help you get to the length of your dreams! :peace: