
New Member
will I go back to this salon in the bronx. I needed a relaxer badly after waiting for 8 weeks. The last place I got my touch-up from was wonderful but I cant afford 80 dollars just for a touchup that does not include a deep condition9 my hair is just touching the nape of my neck). I personally feel like thats too much to pay for hair as short as mine. so on sunday I decided to try the Dominicans that my bf recommended(should have know better), actually his sister and mother goes there all the time and its only $40 for a relaxer and deep condition. I went in on saturday to check the place out and saw that there were a lot of women in there that looks just like me and when I spoke to one of the women she sounds like she knows what she was doing.
So Sunday comes and my hair is itching I needed to get it done, so I showed up and asked her what type of relaxer she uses, she said a few names but not the one that I liked. My biggest concern was to use a lye relaxer ( i prefer lye over no-lye). She said that she gets great results with gentle treatment, I have never used this before. I asked her if it was lye or no lye she said lye. I really wanted to run across the street and buy a jar of revlon realistic lye formula but I didnt want to come across as a B***h and being difficult so i gave in to the gentle treament. So she went and got the jar of relaxer and started mixing....yes mixing so then you already know this ass does not know what she is talking about. I still remained calm(Im known to be bossy sometimes and I'm really trying to work on it so I said nothing). so while she was mixing I looked around her booth area and saw no signs of andy kind of base for the scalp so I asked her she said I dont need it because that's how mild the relaxer is.
So she starts applying this relaxer with a fine tooth comb, I was horrified but I needed it badly so I just sat. so when she reached the top of my head the back started to burn, she sprayed it and it was fine, she continued the other side of the back of my head started to burn she sprayed it again and then proceeded. after about 10 minutes in the relaxer I told her to rinse it out. Oh I asked her if she had neutralizing shampoo she said they make their own with vinegar and regular shampoo. (im such a fool)
so we got to the sink and she started to rinse out the back of my hair to ease the burn I guess and when she finished rinsing the back she wanted to continue to comb the relaxer in the front. I stopped her and said that I dont need it to be bone straight just rinse it out. She probably rinse my hair for less than 2 minutes before reaching for the shampoo. thats when I went crazy...I put my hand in my hair and still felt some relaxer in the middle and told her you know what she said? "that's just your hair soft like that". I asked her to rinse my hair out for a full five minutes she copped an attitude and said that I didnt even wait for her to finish. I told her she need to rinse all the relaxer out first before doing the shampoo(that's how I like it).
After all this I asked her to put in some of my 10 en 1 that I took with me , she did and told me to sit in a chair, mind you she didnt put on a plastic cap or put me under the dryer.
Okay so then she started to roller set me and I went under the dryer, when I was finished I told her I dont want my hair blown out with the hand dryer that it was okay to just style it. You know what she picked up to style my hair with? A rat tail comb. I just told her to forget it and I finger comb my hair paid and left the salon very pissed. I ran across the street to the bss and bought some optimum nuetralizing shampoo went home washed my hair thoroghly, applied some motions cpr(love it) and then GPB and was just happy I had'nt lost my hair. I ended up with burns in the back of my head around the nape area, it was okay though because I still had my hair. I knew she wasnt a professional when I told her that I got burned in the back of my head and she put her long ass fingernails there when she was washing my hair. She was rough, guess what else I saw when I was under the dryer? this other "stylist" was relaxing a womans hair and put the relaxer all over her head including the ends, when she took the woman over to the bowl to rinse( she took about three minutes to wash and rinse).She applie dthe conditioner to this womans hair with the same gloves she just relaxed with.
the moral of this story? Not all dominican sytlist know what they are doing...not all of them are professionals when it comes to chemicals. I have not totally written off going to another dominican salon but for now I will stick with paying the 80 dollars because its worth every penny.
Girl, you a good one. Everyone knows how I feel about stylist that dont do what you ask and dont kknow what the heck they doing. It would've probably been an altercation up in that place if I was you.
First, see lied about the relaxer being a lye, then she applied it w/ a RATTAIL comb, that only would have got her grilled, to say the least. Then she, tried to comb the relaxer at the bowl while rinsing, I dont see how your didnt blow-up right then, LOL. I have had too many bad experiences w/ stylist that claim they know what there doing, but dont know the basics.
How does your BF mom and sis hair look? That stylist need to say her prayers because not all are going to take her neglect to they hair. She going get in some trouble w/ those antics.
Keep us posted on how your hair holding up to her neglect.
Such a tragic story
That was a horrible experience. I'm real afraid of hair dressers
. The only way that I'll go, is with many, many raves and recommendations. I think I'm gonna with Luisa's since she comes highly recommended.
His sister and mother have shoulder length hair, actually his sister is a little past shoulder length. come to think of it I havent heard either of them mention goin there again.
That vinegar and shampoo solution thing sounds so ridiculous.Jeez!I would have been terrified from then on for my hair!
The things some stylists do!
Yeah good for you for going and picking up your own neutralizer. I used gentle treatment 2 years ago and 50% of my hair broke off 1inch from the root. It was just horrible. I think she knew that it wasn't lye she was just lying to get your money. No hairdresser is that stupid, which makes it even worse. You make an excellent point, sometimes on this board we can get so caught up in the hype and we have to realize that not all hairdressers are equally skilled and someone's nationality does not automatically make them a good hairdresser.
Armyqt said:
That was a horrible experience. I'm real afraid of hair dressers
. The only way that I'll go, is with many, many raves and recommendations. I think I'm gonna with Luisa's since she comes highly recommended.

[/ QUOTE ]

I feel the same way; I won't go to a stylist unless they get rave reviews. It's a shame when you have to correct what a "professional" has done to your hair.
well as far as I can tell it seems fine now I dont have any breakage because like I said I went straight home and applied neutralizing shampoo and did a motions CPR treatment an intense deep condition with 10 en 1. since sunday I have done another deep treatment with GPB.
You poor thing. You're better than me because she would have definitely seen my "ghetto side". I'm glad your hair is ok.

BTW, I pay $80 for my relaxer too. I agree, it is worth every penny. It's better to pay more money for good & professional service.
okay i'm a litle lost i'm natural so i don't know abotu all the nono's here. i know that rat tail combs are bad and that she was burning her, what else did she do wrong. i want to know just in case i ever get a perm(kind of considering a little right now)
*she did'nt base her
*she might have lied about using a lye perm
*she tried to comb her hair while wet (most fragile state) with a rat-tail comb
*she failed to listen to her client's request...

*she didn't rinse her out properly
*she didn't put a cap on her head
*gloves were reused
*neutralizer was super-shady

i'm so sorry. this sounds horrible!
When my mom used to do my hair, she used that same relaxer "Gentle Treatment." She would put it on all my hair, saying that the relaxed hair wasn't "permed enough."

My hair broke off all over the place, and my mom looked @ me like I was to blame.

These stylists out here do not know how to listen to their own clients. If we were to boycott the darn places, I wonder if they would listen to us then.

I pretty much have boycotted all of them! My hair is the healthiest and the longest when I do it! Relaxers and all! I know I'm going to do everything right and just the way I like it, and frankly, I'm the only one I fully trust to do it right! If I go to a salon again, it will only be one that gets RAVES!!!!!!! I'm here in Dallas, so I could only be convinced to go maybe where Supergirl goes because they know she knows what she's talking about and hopefully they'll look at me the same way and not try to pull a fast one on me like this Dominican stylist!!! I'm so sorry for your horrid experience! I'm glad you're super smart though and ran and bought some neutralizing shampoo and did your good intensive deep conditioning!!! That just shows that with the right care, your hair can even withstand some bad things done to it and it can still thrive! Good going!
I say that noone will ruin my hair but me....that's why I don't let them put a relaxer in. I was doing fine until I coveted a wave, let's just say things went downhill from there..... :lol:
the last time i got a relaxer my sister put it in for me. WHY DID THIS FOOL SAY I DIDNT NEED NEUTRALIZER???? :confused:

she lost her mind,lol

i bought the neutralizer anyway and told her she better not leave me looking like myra from martin!:eek:

a salon i went to down here the stylist put relaxer ALL OVER MY FOREHEAD!!!!

i was so pissed, SO PISSED

i'm glad you still have your hair,with everything going on you would have had to put a hurtin on her :D
at least your hair is saved. But I am sure you can find a decent stylist in the bronx for less than $80. That's too much to me.