
New Member
do any of you ladies do a post relaxer neutralizing shampoo a week after ur relaxer??? if not what do you do when you are ready for your first wash after a fresh relaxer? please help ladies. thnx alot
I wash like normal. I prepoo, shampoo and deep condition for 1 hour under a heat cap.

I don't think there would be any reason to do a neutralizing wash a week after your relaxer. Are you concerned that you or your stylist may have left the relaxer in your hair? :nono:
I wash like I normally, do as well.

Most shampoos are pH balanced anyway. If you neutralized well on relaxer day, you should be fine with a normal shampoo after that.
ITA to wash with your usual. I know some say to wash with neutralizing that first wash post relaxer, but I personally don't do that. I think if you wish, go ahead with the neutralizing poo and follow with a moisturizing poo then do a deep condish. I always do a protein treatment, followed my moisturizing condish that first wash post . . .
PROCLIAM NEUTRALIZER ph balance for hair i use it anytime after a relaxer treatment it deinitely can cleans my i wash under runnin water it makes me hair siiiii soift.
I just POSTED A THREAD ABOUT MY FRESHLY RELAXED HAIR AND WAS TOLD TO MAKE SURE ALL THE RELAXER WAS OUT...i will be doing that tonight..i just bought the proclaim neutralizing shampoo today and it was $.89 at sally's with my card.