Neutral Henna ( Cassia Obavata) users(long time users): Does it straigten hair?


Well-Known Member
I had a question for those of you who have been using henna for a long time. Meaning a year or more. Does Neutral Henna ( Cassia Obavata) make your hair darker??

I also wanted to know does henna completely straighten your hair with time? As in, lets say months or years of usage will make it straight or will you still have a wave or curl pattern in the hair?

I'm thinking about going neutral but I want something that is natural, able to loosen my curls. If possible so that I can have wavy hair. I'm also looking for a product that will make my hair darker. Help!
No. it will not straighten your hair completely (say like a relaxer) no matter how long you use it. However, it will loosen the curl pattern over time somewhat, but you'll still have much of the curl. Henna and cassia become a permanent part of you hair strands and each time you use it, more gets added and stays. Over time, it will weigh down the hair therefore lessen the curl pattern, but it won't get it anything like relaxer straight.

BTW, cassia is NOT neutral, its leaves color (blonde) that won't show on most people w/ dark hair UNLESS they have greys. Your greys will turn blonde. Just FYI.
I have used cassia every other week for the past 3 months or so. It does not make my hair straighter at all. It makes my curls more defined and shiny.

Cassia is changing my hair color though and I do not have gray hair at all. It is turning the sandy parts of my hair red and it is very noticeable. Not red like henna but it is pretty obvious to me.
^^^ have light hair already it looks like. I think I can see the cassia too. It seems to show up towards the bottom of your hair more. Am I right?
^^^ have light hair already it looks like. I think I can see the cassia too. It seems to show up towards the bottom of your hair more. Am I right?

The color in my avatar is chemical color that I am growing out. The cassia defintely brightens that but it doesn't turn it red, just more blondish. The 6 inches or so of my natural color turns red from the cassia. I didn't expect any color at all on that part of my hair and so I was really suprised. All of my hair is not sandy, its more like natural highlights and that is the part that turns red.
Not to hi-jack the thread or anything...but as ladies chime in about their Cassia experiences could you list your method?! (Just maximizing your time :-)...
Not to hi-jack the thread or anything...but as ladies chime in about their Cassia experiences could you list your method?! (Just maximizing your time :-)...

I just mix mine with warm water and a bit of olive oil. I leave it in for an hour and then rinse it out.
Resurrecting this thread. I have cassia in my hair right now mixed with brahmi and sage powder. What are some benefits you cassia/senna users have noticed from using it. Does it really lighten hair? The whole reason I started using cassia is because henna was tinging my hair an unsightly reddish-brown that I disdain, and I wanted something with a more neutral effect.
^^^It's good for conditioning and strengthening hair, but it doesn't lighten hair. It desposits color on all hair, but will show up more on lighter/grey hair. Since your hair is already somewhat light, it should show up a bit for you. Let us know what happens.
Can you ladies please state where you're getting your cassia from? I'd like to start incorporating this into my regimen this winter. Thanks very much in advance. :yep:
I have been using cassia for almost a year - alone, mixed with henna, and as of late, added to my indigo mix. I LOVE cassia because it is like adding a layer of shine to my hair. Plus it makes my fine hair extra strong. I tend to use it at least 2x/month. I do not know if I can say it is the cassia alone (versus with the henna) that makes my NG straighter, but something definitely makes it easier to stretch. I used it last week on my sister's hair with henna and indigo, and her roots came out much straighter as well.

BTW - Whenever I use cassia or henna, I leave it on overnight.
I tried my cassia for the first time yesterday, and I absolutely LOVE it. I didn't think I would. My hair was feeling really yucky, but I left it on for an hour rinsed it out and conditioned with Giovanni SAS conditioner, and my hair was feeling luscious. I have a lot of it, too. I gave my friend the money, and she bought it online from somewhere. I have to ask her what site she bought it from. It slightly loosened my NG, but it didn't last long, so I think this would be a really good option for naturals that are worried about the effects of henna on their natural curl pattern. I have medium-fine strands, and it made my hair feel heavier and my strands look fuller, but not puffy.
Hi ladies :)

I've never used henna or cassia before. I would like to give it a try ,to further strengthen my hair. I would like to know which brand do you ladies recommend?
i have henna in my hair right now, lol! i love it!

dymondgurl, i would recommend you use a body art quality henna, so as to be sure it is good. i use regular hair henna, but just to be safe, i would say to use the body art kind. i usually mix mine with lemon juice (which dries the hair for majority of people, but not mine)until its pasty, then let it sit 24 hours someplace relatively warm. then i add some water to make it a little less thick. i leave mine in 4 hours. i have left it in overnight, but the dye still releases the same at 4 hours.

to answer the thread topic no, my curl pattern hasn't noticeably loosened, and if so, not much. however, my hair is much stronger. i've never used cassia before, only henna. i'm considering trying cassia though. i buy my henna at an indian store.

ETA: oops! i overlooked that this thread was about cassia instead of regular henna.
I replaced henna with cassia. I never liked the reddish color I got from henna and I like cassia much better when I mix it with indigo. I do my cassia/indigo mixed with strong green tea and olive oil 2x's per month. I try to leave it in overnite but found leaving it in for a 4-6 hours just as effective. It leaves my hair feeling super strong and thick. I am natural and find that my curl pattern is more defined and my hair seems glossier.
I luv it!!
I use (medicinal grade) senna, which is in the cassia family, maybe every 3 to 4 weeks. I found that senna gives the same conditioning properties that cassia does at a fraction of the price. I haven't found it to change my curl pattern, but that's not what I use it for. For me, it makes my hair feel a little bit stronger and softer.

Where can I find cassia that does not deposit that ugly (my opinion) red? My hair is light.

Only henna gives the red color. Cassia will deposit a temporary yellowish tinge, but that's only visible if you're a blonde or have grey hair. It's mainly used for it's conditioning, which doesn't last as long as henna.
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I use (medicinal grade) senna, which is in the cassia family, maybe every 3 to 4 weeks. I found that senna gives the same conditioning properties that cassia does at a fraction of the price. I haven't found it to change my curl pattern, but that's not what I use it for. For me, it makes my hair feel a little bit stronger and softer.

Only henna gives the red color. Cassia will deposit a temporary yellowish tinge, but that's only visible if you're a blonde or have grey hair. It's mainly used for it's conditioning, which doesn't last as long as henna.

Does senna deposit a color?
I used senna aka cassia two days ago. it doesn't deposit any color THAT WILL SHOW if you have dark hair. I have black/dark brown hair and the color did not change. if you have blonde/gray hair then your hair will appear lighter. i've never used anything that made my hair feel quite like cassia. super soft and tangle free even when it began to dry. i think i'll try it again in about a week.
I had a question for those of you who have been using henna for a long time. Meaning a year or more. Does Neutral Henna ( Cassia Obavata) make your hair darker??

I also wanted to know does henna completely straighten your hair with time? As in, lets say months or years of usage will make it straight or will you still have a wave or curl pattern in the hair?

I'm thinking about going neutral but I want something that is natural, able to loosen my curls. If possible so that I can have wavy hair. I'm also looking for a product that will make my hair darker. Help!
That term 'straighten' is very misleading. Let's say you have 4a hair type, then you use cassia, you will be left wth 4a hair type just slightly looser...:spinning:
Hi ladies :)

I've never used henna or cassia before. I would like to give it a try ,to further strengthen my hair. I would like to know which brand do you ladies recommend?

Many people recommend Jamila Henna, which is pakistani. I think people also use a brand called Reshma...

But I recommend you go on a website called and read up,
join the forum there too if you need to....

Also these threads are good: