Nettle Hair Rinse and low on time

I've just done a Nettle Lecithin rinse with tons more Lecithin ( perhaps 2 cups of Lecithin to a Quart of Nettle tea. This is after putting an Ayurvedic cream on it ( ) My hair has come out very interesting. It has this coating on it. I'm not sure if it's from the Cream or super amount of lecithin, but it's brought out my curls more, because the 4b is clumped together like 4a on about half of my head. After the rinse I washed with Godrej Shikakai ( as I was hoping to remove some of the film. It didn't do so, but of course it nicely conditioned it. I'll see with the result is tomorrow after I've slept on it.
I do my nettle rinses by brewing nettle tea bags or infusing powder nettle into filtered water. I love nettle for my hair.
I've done the rinse and started drinking nettle tea faithfully since reading LD's posts about it. It works ladies! Scalp itchies testified to the growth boost once I'd been taking it a few weeks.
I've been nettle rinsing since sept of last year. Its no big deal. You just boil it like you do regular tea. It doesn't have caffeine. You let it sit (steep) and then you use it as your final rinse,concentrating on the SCALP as that's how you get it to stimulate growth. You can just pour it or use a nozzle like I do. Just do it when you wash your hair. The End

Ta da!:grin:
Hi. Do you still rinse with nettles? How did you hair respond??
Hi. Do you still rinse with nettles? How did you hair respond??
I've only had excellent responses when using it. I've had my hair come out and nettle brought it back. It came out from almost dying and chronic illness, all the medications that were pumped into me were just too much. It took a year of in and out hospitalizations but my hair started coming out in handfulls. Anyways, that has turned around again as it's been a few years since the huge major surgery and the biggest part of the health scare. Though I still deal with major health stuff and am considered disabled (so still health condition and its issues), I am at a point where I do not need such insane levels of prednisone that it's off the charts. So thus my hair came back. Some places broke off to two inches. Anyways it's back past mid back. I'd say the difference between when I use the nettle and not is that nettle makes my hair stronger and it definitely grows faster. Dare I say possibly thicker or that it restores thickness.

I think the way I took care of my hair prior to the medical scare is why it stayed so long. in my head instead of on the floor My mom and doctors were shocked because it hung in there for a little over a year when people's hair would usually (with all the medication) come out in a matter of a month or a few months. I was too busy in 6 week and 2 week (at minimum) hospital stays on a monthly basis to think of my hair. We were trying to keep me alive . And I'm talking it was almost a year and a half before it said "peace" with no one taking care of it, and very little of anything much less tea rinsing. But before the health scare I was pretty on it. I used certain conditioners, shampoos, nettle and braided it up. It was simplified and streamlined but did the trick. It also does the trick whipping it back into shape fast.
I've only had excellent responses when using it. I've had my hair come out and nettle brought it back. It came out from almost dying and chronic illness, all the medications that were pumped into me were just too much. It took a year of in and out hospitalizations but my hair started coming out in handfulls. Anyways, that has turned around again as it's been a few years since the huge major surgery and the biggest part of the health scare. Though I still deal with major health stuff and am considered disabled (so still health condition and its issues), I am at a point where I do not need such insane levels of prednisone that it's off the charts. So thus my hair came back. Some places broke off to two inches. Anyways it's back past mid back. I'd say the difference between when I use the nettle and not is that nettle makes my hair stronger and it definitely grows faster. Dare I say possibly thicker or that it restores thickness.

I think the way I took care of my hair prior to the medical scare is why it stayed so long. in my head instead of on the floor My mom and doctors were shocked because it hung in there for a little over a year when people's hair would usually (with all the medication) come out in a matter of a month or a few months. I was too busy in 6 week and 2 week (at minimum) hospital stays on a monthly basis to think of my hair. We were trying to keep me alive . And I'm talking it was almost a year and a half before it said "peace" with no one taking care of it, and very little of anything much less tea rinsing. But before the health scare I was pretty on it. I used certain conditioners, shampoos, nettle and braided it up. It was simplified and streamlined but did the trick. It also does the trick whipping it back into shape fast.
Oh wow. I’m so sorry to hear about your health issues! I bet you are also anemic d/t your illness? That can also reek havoc on hair. I know it did for me. How are your iron levels?

Thank you for your detailed reply. I drink the powder for my anemia and add it to my DIY oils. Which do you use? Powder or leaves? And continued recovery and hugs sis.
Oh wow. I’m so sorry to hear about your health issues! I bet you are also anemic d/t your illness? That can also reek havoc on hair. I know it did for me. How are your iron levels?

Thank you for your detailed reply. I drink the powder for my anemia and add it to my DIY oils. Which do you use? Powder or leaves? And continued recovery and hugs sis.
Oh sure I've had blood transfusions I've been so anemic so yeah definitely. I can't add too many things with acute chronic severe crohn's disease. I have to be very careful about what I eat so I can't do like I used to (taking all kinds of supplements etc) as I have some major medication to take and can't risk it not working right or risk having a higher flare because of something taken internally. I had to go to the mayo clinic to get everything under control so I'm very careful about what I do and work with a team of doctors in order to keep things in a liveable condition (my health). I also have thyroid disease (grave's) and hypogammaglobulenemia (which is rare and something born with but something that made getting everything else under control almost impossible until they found it).

Still until all the stricturing started in the intestines, and the need to get things under control stat, I still had thick long hair because of nettle (even with crohn's disease and everything else yet to be diagnosed). But at active disease stage, where you're throwing up so much you are throwing up bile after a while (and every hour on the hour) along with other symptoms, you can only ride it out especially when certain items won't work and or I'm allergic to them (certain things others take to get it under control). I had to worry about internal bleeding among other things.

But anyhoo it doesn't matter in reference to what to use. I've never used powder and I've mostly used externally (though I have drunk nettle tea on occasion because why not? I haven't as of late though). I've used organic leaves and boiled them where you have to make your own bags or put them in something to extract the goodness lol or I've used organic in the form of tea bags when I'm lazy and so on. It all works.

And don't cry for me lol, I'm alive so that's enough for me. Thanks for the love and well wishes though because anyone can use them and I'll take it where I can get it! :kisses:
My hair is recovering well and that's with super neglect. I'm so tired and in pain all the time (I have crohnic pain from all the ulcers in my intestines and the inflammation from Crohn's) that I just don't do much with it and as a natural with this much hair it's a beast. BUT sometimes it's easier to work with in this state when braided up. There are pluses and minuses.
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