Nervous About Upcoming Relaxer...


New Member
I've stretched my relaxer for almost six months, and now my retouch time is coming! I'm really nervous though! My hair is growing well naturally, and I'm afraid the relaxer is gonna throw this off...I do want to keep my hair relaxed (I'm not ready for ALL natural yet.) I think I'm just in a competition with myself to see how long I can stretch...arrgh!:p
Why are you nervous? I'm sure you've been taking great care of your hair in the meantime, keeping it moisturized and such. Do you really trust the person who is going to apply your touch up?
I don't think the relaxer will throw off your growth pattern. Just baby your hair and deep conditioner regularly. Have you had a bad experience in the past and that's why you're nervous?
I always get nervous before a relaxer, b/c I had a bad, bad, bad experience. If you don't feel comfortable about doing it--don't do it. Maybe you can just get your hair flat ironed or maybe use a mild relaxer and don't keep it on for a really long time.
You can probably get your hair blow dryed for the same look as a relaxer minus the fear of your hair breaking off.