Nervous about touch-ups!!!


New Member
I just got a touch up yesterday, and thankfully, everything went well. A couple of sore spots on my scalp, but nothing major.

I was thinking about how much I dread getting touch ups now that my hair is finally the length I've always wanted (or it's getting there, at least). I always get so worried that my hair is going to all break off or get damaged!! It's always such a relief after it's over and my hair is still intact!! Is anyone else feeling me on this??!!

I guess this comes from years of coloring my hair myself and getting my hair relaxed by my Mom, and consequently, sometimes it would break off quite a bit, and I would end up having to start over, almost from scratch. That is the most frustrating thing -- when your hair is doing well, then the relaxer breaks it off and you're back to square one. *Sigh*

Luckily now I know how to take care of my hair better than in those days. Back then I blow-dryed faithfully and thought roller sets were a huge waste of time. Now I know better!! Roller sets are what saved my hair!! At first I didn't think I could keep them up, but I just forced myself to put the blow dryer away, permanently!! It has made a world of difference in my hair. I guess some of you ladies can get away with using the blow dryer, but because my hair is colored AND relaxed, it's definitely a no-no for me...

Hi Lindy,

Congratulations on the success of your touch-up! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif What brand of relaxer do you use?

I totally understand the apprehension you feel when getting a touch-up. After all, if there's a mistake made, you're going to get breakage, so yes, it's scary. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Lindy said:
I always get so worried that my hair is going to all break off or get damaged!! It's always such a relief after it's over and my hair is still intact!! Is anyone else feeling me on this??!!

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No you're not the only one. I get real nervous on touch up day (and I do mine myself) even though I do mine well, I'm scared I'm going to mess up and my hair is going to break or something. And I guess because, like you, it's at a point where it's going so well, and we usually know what happens when good things happens, it goes wrong somewhere. I just hope it never goes wrong during touch up time.
Hi Pebbles!

I use Affirm No-Lye; my hair has done well ever since I started using it; which was about 2 years ago, I believe. I have a good stylist as well; he knows not to go crazy with the scissors, and he knows my hair pretty well by now, so my hair doesn't end up over-processed. That's important because I have fine hair which can look sooo limp if the relaxer is left in too long!!!

By the way, I'm still waiting for my Cathy Howse Dew!! Thanks for your recommendations of it. I'll post again and let you know how I like it!

Lindy /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Lindy, I can totally relate to what you are feeling. I go through the exact same things when its time for my retouch. I'm always scared something will go wrong in the process and my hair will fall out or break off. I've had to regrow my hair from scratch at least three times.

Like you, my hair is on the fine side and I hate that bone straight stuck to your skull straight perm. Ew!!! Designer's Touch is about the only perm that doesn't do that to my hair and doesn't burn my scalp. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Lindy said:

I was thinking about how much I dread getting touch ups now that my hair is finally the length I've always wanted (or it's getting there, at least). I always get so worried that my hair is going to all break off or get damaged!! Is anyone else feeling me on this??!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hi all,

I just joined this board a week ago and must say I am ridiculously addicted, as I'm sure we all are.

Can I just tell you that I haven't gotten a touch up in 21 weeks as of yesterday because of that same fear?

Though I am realllllly tempted, I will not relax my own hair. I had a bad experience about 3 touch ups ago with this Hair-UNprofessional, who must not have realized how thick my 4a hair really is at the root, and the relaxer did not take.

So now, my friends in hair growth, I have a patch of hair from ear to ear at the top of my head, that is underprocessed.

The next stylist tried to reprocess that part but was unsuccessful! So now, I have to flat iron that part everytime I wash. GRRRRR!!!

How's that for a Hair Horror story!

I'm debating cutting off all relaxed hair and doing the natural thing /images/graemlins/shocked.gif (though that's a scary thought with thick hair).

It's a dilemma that I must work through.

And that was my long-winded way of saying, "LINDY, I FEEL YA'!"
