Nervous about church


Well-Known Member
I'm close with a couple ministers and their wives I didn't know they were ministers when I meet them just thought they were nice couples to talk to and be around. They've invited me to church but I'm so nervous. I always think people are going to look at me and think something bad and in my experience sadly I've run into drug dealers who were more caring and considerate than "church folk"
Are there any tips or scriptures you all think would help me deal with this. I miss church so much and haven't been in almost a year. It hurts me too my heart but having people look at me and whisper hurts more.
I think its wonderful you were invited go and enjoy yourself. Dont' worry about the other people. People are people you will find great people and not so great people there. I love love my church family but there are people there that sometimes annoy me and I have to just pray about it its just people and whether they are in the church or not they are still the same. Some will be there striving in their relationship and others will be there just because its the right thing to do never given their heart and so you go with that knowledge that your there to hear the word and praise the lord and not worry about the other stuff. May God's blessings go with you on your journey.
I think its wonderful you were invited go and enjoy yourself. Dont' worry about the other people. People are people you will find great people and not so great people there. I love love my church family but there are people there that sometimes annoy me and I have to just pray about it its just people and whether they are in the church or not they are still the same.

Some will be there striving in their relationship and others will be there just because its the right thing to do never given their heart and so you go with that knowledge that your there to hear the word and praise the lord and not worry about the other stuff. May God's blessings go with you on your journey.
Wonderful message, because it's true and from your heart of experience. :Rose:
I'm close with a couple ministers and their wives I didn't know they were ministers when I meet them just thought they were nice couples to talk to and be around. They've invited me to church but I'm so nervous.

I always think people are going to look at me and think something bad and in my experience sadly I've run into drug dealers who were more caring and considerate than "church folk"
Are there any tips or scriptures you all think would help me deal with this. I miss church so much and haven't been in almost a year. It hurts me too my heart but having people look at me and whisper hurts more.

Go and be blessed. You being there will be making God's heart smile; if no one else catches your blessings, it's their loss, not yours.

Come back and share the blessings. :bighug:
Please don't let the devils agents to deter you from going where you need to be..I don't care if people think im crazy for shotting or standing up during the happen to be a jumper when the spirit hits me...i love God and that all that matters..i may never have my dream which is to give my testimony to the whole church but I will keep praising bc people don't know what you have gone through to be a blessing..
Just go, and be yourself. I agree with coco, the devil is a liar and it is his lies that have you thinking you are less than worthy or acceptable to go to church. He loves you and always has. He loved you before this world was even created with all it's foolishness. enjoy yourself. Let God love on you in His house. :)