Negative Friends

Lady Esquire

New Member
A friend of mine called and shared her recent victories with me. She bought a house after years of struggle. She and I had the most uplifting conversation. It felt more like fellowship and an impromptu exchange of testimony. I felt so motivated with that positive energy.

The next day, I share this news with another friend, who goes on and on about how this other friend called to rub it in my face, she's full of junk, and etc. I defended the other girl and said, "well whatever her motives were, I took what I needed out of it and felt honored she called to share her news with me." She went on and on. This same friend called me with the specific purpose to bash my SIL and share all sorts of dirty rumors and gossip about her.

It was then I realized that I have to talk to this person less. She's a dear friend though, and I love her but the negativity, especially lately, is really draining. I'm working on speaking things into existence, controlling my tongue and rebuilding an attitude of increase. How do you do that with a freind like this?
The first thing I do is pray. Even right now I am battling some wicked thoughts. Since she is a dear friend to you, can you talk to her and have a heart-to-heart? Perhaps she does not even realize she is negative? And also being negative is a habit. Perhaps the circumstances of her life and the world have her seeing the worst in people? Do you have any Joyce Meyer/Creflo Dollar books you can lend her? Perhaps you buy her some uplifting material first and then see where her mind is at? If there is no change, you can then have the heart-to-heart. Sometimes it is good to remove negativity in our lives. But sometimes too it is there to strengthen your ability to be positive no matter what. I know my post may be confusing but I hope I gave you some options. Good luck lovie.
I pray for them and I let negative people go. I had to do this. If we are not depositing postive and uplifting one another then we have to let each other go.
I like how you handled the situation the first time she "threw" negativity at you, you focused on the positive aspects. If I were you, I would tell her that you appreciate her concern, but do not like the negative things that she is saying about other people. I would also add that if she continues to do so, you will distance yourself from her.
Hmm, just recently a family members in law passed away and a close family member called me to talk some dirt about the deceased. I stopped that person firmly in their tracks in mid sentence...they were saying: "Do you want to hear the juice on what so and so did before they died?" and I said, "Absolutely not! And if you continue I'm hanging up, I'm not playing." This person is known (by me) to spread gossip or just dwell on the down side/negative side of things. When they ignored my warning. I hung up the phone!

The next day we were talking like everything was normal. So....stand your ground. It's okay to let people know what you will and will not stand for. But just stick to your boundaries.

One friend I had was so emotionally draining that I had to let her go. Still I miss how comfortable I was with her, but oh well. I was miserable after talking to her each time. I hope you can come to the same state of peace with your friend. Sometimes people don't realize how negative they sound.
The first thing I do is pray. Even right now I am battling some wicked thoughts. Since she is a dear friend to you, can you talk to her and have a heart-to-heart? Perhaps she does not even realize she is negative? And also being negative is a habit. Perhaps the circumstances of her life and the world have her seeing the worst in people? Do you have any Joyce Meyer/Creflo Dollar books you can lend her? Perhaps you buy her some uplifting material first and then see where her mind is at? If there is no change, you can then have the heart-to-heart. Sometimes it is good to remove negativity in our lives. But sometimes too it is there to strengthen your ability to be positive no matter what. I know my post may be confusing but I hope I gave you some options. Good luck lovie.

Funny you should mention Joyce Meyer because I've actually read some excerpts from a JM book to her and we discussed it at length. I've recommended a host of books that DH and I have been reading.

In her defense, in the past few years I've had my own stuff to deal with, and she's been my ear to talk to. But its become an exchange of "woe is me" between us. Its sucking my energy and I've made a conscious decision to recapture what used to make me a person with vision and purpose.

I even told her that it was so refreshing talking to the other girl, because it was nice to have a conversation about progress, faith, and being accountable to being a steward/Christian. I'm recommitted to being consistent with it.

You're right, she is going through very tough life issues. So I get it, I do. We're very honest with each other. But I know now that I need less of her and need more PRAYER, self-reflection, and time to be more in tune with peaceful things.

I pray for them and I let negative people go. I had to do this. If we are not depositing postive and uplifting one another then we have to let each other go.
Yes. I actually told her that. She's the type of person who will let you know that she's pulled motivation from something that was said...even if it takes her months to do it. It takes her a while to work through what was said, reconcile different view points, etc. I hope to continue to do it, but just not as often. I need time to fill up myself before going empty on someone else. I just figured out what's wrong with me by typing this post. The consesus in the replies is prayer. Feels good.

I like how you handled the situation the first time she "threw" negativity at you, you focused on the positive aspects. If I were you, I would tell her that you appreciate her concern, but do not like the negative things that she is saying about other people. I would also add that if she continues to do so, you will distance yourself from her.

The reason why I made this thread is because the discussion went on for a long time. She was determined to have me thinking like her. That's the part that bothered me.

Hmm, just recently a family members in law passed away and a close family member called me to talk some dirt about the deceased. I stopped that person firmly in their tracks in mid sentence...they were saying: "Do you want to hear the juice on what so and so did before they died?" and I said, "Absolutely not! And if you continue I'm hanging up, I'm not playing." This person is known (by me) to spread gossip or just dwell on the down side/negative side of things. When they ignored my warning. I hung up the phone!

The next day we were talking like everything was normal. So....stand your ground. It's okay to let people know what you will and will not stand for. But just stick to your boundaries.

One friend I had was so emotionally draining that I had to let her go. Still I miss how comfortable I was with her, but oh well. I was miserable after talking to her each time. I hope you can come to the same state of peace with your friend. Sometimes people don't realize how negative they sound.

She is such a good person. I've told her that she is too negative. And what I love about her is that she'll acknowledge it. When addressed, she does take it in. Its tiresome though. We're no where near ending it though. You've made a good point that its a boundary issue that I need to make clear. Apparently I haven't made it clear enough.
I'm working on speaking things into existence, controlling my tongue and rebuilding an attitude of increase.

You know what? This above is quite 'key' to what's going on. :yep:

The moment we decide to make changes in our lives, we get challenged and this is what I see going on here. By your friend, you are being challenged.

It's life's test to see how serious we are when we proclaim to change. It's life's test to see if we will stand or give up.

Love your friend, pray for her and let her know, by your light and by your example, you have what it takes to stand. She will get the message.
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Shimmie, thank you for that. I am serious about this. I visualized how I wanted my life before I hit 30. And sure enough, everything manifested itself. But as soon as life took a few left turns, instead of using that same vision, over the few years, I've fallen into a rut. But no more. I've asked God for increase, and believe that God's divine plan is in order. In the meantime, I'm learning how to remain still, to prepare my spirit to receive it all.

Earlier this year, DH was baptized. Then I was baptized. Then my 12-year-old decided to get baptized in front of her peers. Its been a divine shift in our household. There has been radical surrender. Its also been of year of attacks and intense challenges. We soon dealt with death, financial struggle and family issues. Now we realize God is stripping us to prepare us for something else. DH 's career has taken a favorable turn that we never saw possible. I have some things in the works as well.

All this to say, it is a test of my commitment. And for that, I choose to rise to the occasion.
Shimmie, thank you for that. I am serious about this. I visualized how I wanted my life before I hit 30. And sure enough, everything manifested itself. But as soon as life took a few left turns, instead of using that same vision, over the few years, I've fallen into a rut. But no more. I've asked God for increase, and believe that God's divine plan is in order. In the meantime, I'm learning how to remain still, to prepare my spirit to receive it all.

Earlier this year, DH was baptized. Then I was baptized. Then my 12-year-old decided to get baptized in front of her peers. Its been a divine shift in our household. There has been radical surrender. Its also been of year of attacks and intense challenges. We soon dealt with death, financial struggle and family issues. Now we realize God is stripping us to prepare us for something else. DH 's career has taken a favorable turn that we never saw possible. I have some things in the works as well.

All this to say, it is a test of my commitment. And for that, I choose to rise to the occasion.

God is showing you off ... :yep: He knows your heart is right with Him.

And guess what? The battles you face have already been won. :cup: