Negative Emotions Will Hinder God's Will for Your Life


Well-Known Member
Though I normally hear controversial info about Creflo Dollar, this message he presented is really good and may edify those who need it. Particularly, the first 5 parts. Quoted below is an excerpt.

If there is one vital issue known to man ... if there's one issue that if we don't get it right, it will continuously come up in our lives ... it will lead us away from the Will of God for our lives ... it will always be responsible for us making bad decisions, ... [it is] we've got to grow as believers in understanding how to take charge of our emotions. .... An emotionally ruled life will be a big hindrance in walking in the Spirit.

Here are the first 5 videos for the sermon:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

(the remaining links are a bit jumbled but can be found to the right of each video)
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loolaloohThank you for this! I'm on a personal journey of understanding how my emotions affect my decisions and learning how to let go and let God in all situations. Your other posts on God's will have been very helpful as well.

I love it when God confirms things he's told me through the actions of others! Your obedience to God for posting these threads will truly bring you blessings!
loolaloohThank you for this! I'm on a personal journey of understanding how my emotions affect my decisions and learning how to let go and let God in all situations. Your other posts on God's will have been very helpful as well.

I love it when God confirms things he's told me through the actions of others! Your obedience to God for posting these threads will truly bring you blessings!

Amen. May the Lord continue to guide you on your journey. :)
Guess what was posted on Heather Lindsey's blog today. The Lord is sharing one message through various Christian outlets:grin::

Tell Your Emotions to Shut Up

It's time to attack this area. We have struggled in this area and our emotions and little feelings have been running our life for WAY too long! Today. We're putting the smackdown on our emotions. We can no longer afford to sit & entertain our feelings as they just go with the wind. YOUR LIFE can not be determined by HOW you feel!! How does that work??! At SOME point we have to TELL our emotions WHAT to do.

Let me be honest, as most of you know from my story-- that I was a train wreck. I was an emotional little mess. I loved to manipulate my little ex boyfriends when I was single with my emotions. I would cry if I didn't get my way, I would whine, or seduce them to get what I wanted and then roll my eyes & think "you idiot." Yeah, I was wrong-- crazy & without Christ. Even WITH Christ-- I still hadn't renewed my thinking in that area. That crap even tried to creep up into my courting relationship with Cornelius when we started courting. When we first started courting, I wanted my way. I wanted what I wanted when I wanted it and if you didn't give it to me-- I was going to have an attitude. You better believe Cornelius was gonna feel it. I got what I wanted.

One weekend, I was having a rough week at work and I just wanted to get away. Back in the day, if I had a rough day-- I would book a flight and go somewhere to GET away .... (continued on the blog)

Check out the rest of her post at the link above.
^^^thank you for posting that...took a peek at her blog and I'm def going to read her posts.