Needing growth & thinning advice


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I am writing this post because I have reading through all of the wonderful posts and I am amazed by what I am learning. However, my hair is very thin. Usually, I only relax every 3 months and with a PCJ No-lye relaxer for children. I usually use Aphogee hair care products as my maintainence system, and my hair is naturally wavy but with some kink to it. My problem is that it will grown but then begin to break off and I do not know what am doing wrong. I have recently stopped the usage of the curling iron, but haven't been able to break away from the blowdryer yet. Any suggestions for growth. I even bought vitamin supplements off of the internet which helped some, but not enough. To me, it seems like my hair is thinning out on the top of my head. Any suggestions? My hair is now shoulder length, but I want it to grow to my waist line and am having difficulty. So, I come to me LHCF sisters for advice. Thank you a <font color="green"> </font> <font color="green"> </font> <font color="green"> </font> nd I appreciate your feedback.
First of all, your main problem is probably the childrens perm. I had a stylist tell me that those are some of the harshest ones out there. You would be better off with an adult mild, and preferably a lye formula because they are less drying to the hair.

Do u apply the perm from root to tip? If not thats good but if so, dont do it. If u need someone to help u so u only apply it to the new growth, then have a friend or family member help.

Also, the aphoghee line might not be moisturizing enough for your hair? how about cream of nature or something? My favorite poo and conditioner is Nexxus Therappe and Humectress. You can get the liter sizes in a pair on sale right now at JCpenney salon. Its a great deal bc thats like 3 bottles of each all of 22 bucks!

Also, how often are u washing and deep conditioning? what are u using to moisturize?

For the thinning I would suggest looking into the Nioxin line bc its supposed to be good for hair loss/thinning. Another thing is try not to put any tension on the hair if possible, including pulling it back tight and combing. If the scalp is stressed, any tenstion is pulling your hair out.

If u are using blow dryers and curling irons, lay off of them at least for a while.

Try deep conditioning a few times to see if your hair just needs moisture. If its still breaking a lot, then u probably need protein. Elasta QP breakage control serum is a good protein for a cheap price(under 5 bucks bc most are expensive). Make sure u follow with a moisturizing conditioner.

Also, try doing preshampoo treatments, they really help with dryness and brittleness. Take some extra virgin olive oil, warm it up, and apply to your hair. You can add conditioner on top of that and put a shower cap on. u choose whether to sit under the dryer for 20 minutes or so or just to wear the cap for an hour or so. these make a big difference for me.

I know it seems time consuming but half the time when Im around the house cooking or cleaning or studying, I have a pre shampoo treatment in...if I get lazy, Ill leave it in all night and wash it out the next day.
I suffer from the same problem..I have tried the co washes but I just found this board I am Desperate...I wash with nixion, con, neutragena t/gel because my scalp itches to high heaven I wash at least twice a week and have not put heat on it for about 2 weeks but still nothing..if any one looks at my pictures and can suggest something i will try any thing
You got good advice from Leslie
Also if you want to invest in Nexxus Viatress line for thin hair. Go online for a search. They have a whole line and their biotin shampoo is very good.
I would try and stop using the blowdryer. Vitamins and supplements will help you thicken your hair strands. There's enough posts to find if you do a search for the purpose.
greAtness333 said:
I would try and stop using the blowdryer.

[/ QUOTE ]

You could lose everything else IMO (vitamins etc.) and this alone would help.
I notice a big difference in my hair since airdrying and using less heat I also started back using castor oil along with co washes to thicken up my hair.