Need your opinion. Which is better.....


Well-Known Member
herbs infused in oil, or herbs infused in water.

I'm making a moisturising spritz with some herbs and want to infuse them this weekend. I was just wondering, does it matter if it's oil-infused or water-infused. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated. Thanks
I guess it depends on what you want it for. If you want a moisturizer, then you might have to go the water route as it would serve as a moisturizer. If you use is in a oil, it would predominately be a sealer since oils don't really moisturize.

You could just make both and be super awesome. That way, you have the best of both, regardless to which you use.

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I guess it depends on what you want it for. If you want a moisturizer, then you might have to go the water route as it would serve as a moisturizer. If you use is in a oil, it would predominately be a sealer since oils don't really moisturize.

You could just make both and be super awesome. That way, you have the best of both, regardless to which you use.

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Thanks for your suggestion. I think I'm going to go with water. The water is going to be predominate ingredient, but I'm adding other oils, eos, conditioner, etc. One of the oils I purchased that I'm going to add to my moisturising mix contains chamoille, sage, burdock root, etc. So I'm going to infuse water instead of oil. Thanks again.