Need to Shampoo/Clarify? Try this!


formerly qtslim83
When I feel that I need to clarify my roots, I just take a coloring bottle and fill it with diluted shampoo. After prepooing, I go into the shower and apply the shampoo to just my roots and gently rub it in. This way, my roots and scalp are clean and my ends stay moisturized. Before when I used to apply the shampoo to all of my hair, it would come out dry and stripped. Not anymore:grin:! HTH
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I used to do this. It works well. Since I use a lot of cones now, I use my diluted shampoo (all over) to chisel off the build up. :look:
When I feel that I need to clarify my roots, I just take a coloring bottle and fill it with diluted shampoo. After prepooing, I go into the shower and apply the shampoo to just my roots and gently rub it in. This way, my roots and scalp are clean and my ends stay moisturized. Before when I used to apply the shampoo to all of my hair, it would come out dry and stripped. Not anymore:grin:! HTH

I put this at the top of my "Most Helpful Tips fro LHCF"!!! Thanks, girl. :grin:
Maybe it's me. How do you shampoo your roots without getting your ends wet? Are you not washing the Shampoo out?
I imagine your ends gets wet. But I dont mind that since it's part of the C&G method of washing. I just find it difficult to get the shampoo into my thick NG.

Plus, this way i imagine the drying effect of poos is reduced because only the shmapoo run-offs touch your ends, which combined with the fact that the diluted poo only touches your ends when being rinsed under running water. Make sense?
I imagine your ends gets wet. But I dont mind that since it's part of the C&G method of washing. I just find it difficult to get the shampoo into my thick NG.

Plus, this way i imagine the drying effect of poos is reduced because only the shmapoo run-offs touch your ends, which combined with the fact that the diluted poo only touches your ends when being rinsed under running water. Make sense?

It does. So I just add the diluted poo to my roots and rinse out?
Yes ma'am!

I'm so excited about this tip b/c it was so impossible to get all my roots. :grin:'re right on point! Since I pre-poo, my ends are already coated w/ con and amla oil. I add the shampoo before rinsing so it's not too wet. Lather a little before rinsing, and while your rinsing, hold up your ends. This prevents alot of the shampoo run-off from getting on them.
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