Need to dye my hair black


New Member
I'm really wanting to make a color change, but before I go lighter with highlites I'm thinking of just goin' darker. my hair is very dark brown naturally, but I think black would look really good and shiny (Tracy maybe we should swith heads. lol)
So although I want it black, I don't want it so jet black that it looks like a wig (I've had a jet black weave before and it was NOT pretty) so how can I get a black that looks like the black on the package without having oriental jet black hair? WHat brands have y'all had success with?
Use a dark brown and then see how you feel girl....take it from me (see my signature
@ Karonica...

Girl I'm just crackin' you up huh?
Suuuuurreee....just revel in my pain why dontcha!

SSC - be aware that you can go as dark as blue black - any dark shade you want as a matter of fact - with a rinse, to the tune of no damage at all. Just wanted to add that.
well, i tried oriental black before too which was a blue black. when i wore my hair in one or two braids i really loved the color. when i wore my hair down however i didn't like the look that much. so the next time i used brown black and that was way better. but as tracy already said you can try a dark brown before. or a lot of brands have colors like "soft black", "brown black" etc. i always use bigen.
I dunno. That could be another reason. But I've had a black rinse before, and at that time I was washing my hair once a week. That bastard never faded much. I was stuck with that color for months, even though it was "supposed" to wash out in 4-6 shampoos.
That's what provoked me to go lighter 2 years ago.

Tracy, do not read anything I just said.
dyeing your hair black is horrible! it never comes out!!! to get it out its impossible! lots of damage after the fact!

Ive learned from my mistakes!
But beware. Black tends to be very hard to rinse out.
My friend's blue-black rinse lasted her forever.

[/ QUOTE ]

I had blue black once and my hair started to turn a greenish tint after about 7 shampoos or so.
You weren't imagining that Jen. The base of most blue blacks are green.
That's what I mean when I refer to the hair turning green (or pink in some cases) on the "rinse down".

don't teeeasssee me.....

Tracy, I'm sorry, but your signature is hillarious. Seriously, it's just going to take some time for you to get used to the color, that's all. I was like that at first when I got my hair lightened to the reddish/orangey/brown it is now. I was like
and felt
at the same time. But that was 2 years ago, and now I love it!

Oh gosh, I can't stop laughing. I'm going to sit in the corner for a while to punish myself.
I use the black and blue-black colors of SoftSheen Rejuvatone. I've been using it for years now and I've never had a problem with it eventually washing out. If you really want to wash a tint out faster, use a clarifying shampoo or dandruff shampoo. I read in Woman's World once that dandruff shampoos have certain ingredients in them that help to fade a too dark hair color. Can't remember which ingredients they specifically mentioned.