need tips for stopping postpartum hair shedding?

your hair GREW a lot since may. i like that second pic your hair looks healthy and thick.
i know what you are talking about. i think once a year i go through that also. this year i was so concerned i called my dermatologist and she said that it depends of the time of the year/change of seasons. i guess she was right cause after a while it was over. give it a couple of days and if it's still the same you should go and talk to a dermatologist too.
but i hope for you that it will stop soon /images/graemlins/grin.gif.
take care, nay.
If it is postpartum shedding then it is natural. Your hormones are readjusting. You just have to wait until it stops.
Hi levette,

Your hair grew a lot in a short time. If you are experiencing postpartum hair shedding, there's nothing you can do but let it play itself out. That's just hormones at work. But it will pass. I had that both times after the birth of both my sons. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Yeah, I went through this in Jan; As the ladies before have already stated, It's gonna' happen, it's natural, & there isn't anything you can do to make it stop.

HOWEVER, I strongly advise you to "try not to bother it when it's not necessary", (lacking a better way to phrase it). There's no sense in risking the chance of breaking/snapping hairs, when it's already shedding.

Don't worry, mothers on this board have gone through it; personally, I was so emotional about it; I thought I was going to be bald, but I'm not. If it's postpartum shedding, it'll eventually stop.
God Bless,