Need "testimonials" about children's ministry group


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,

My children are very interested in earning merit badges and they enjoy learning scriptures. DH and I will not allow them to join Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts. But, we are considering: Awana (it is offered at a church near our home--but not at our home church), MPact for girls (offered at our home church and like Awana), and Royal Rangers (for boys and offered at our home church). We are currently praying about each of these groups, but I'd like to know if anyone on the forum has personal experience with any of these groups?? Please share.
Hello Ladies,

My children are very interested in earning merit badges and they enjoy learning scriptures. DH and I will not allow them to join Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts. But, we are considering: Awana (it is offered at a church near our home--but not at our home church), MPact for girls (offered at our home church and like Awana), and Royal Rangers (for boys and offered at our home church). We are currently praying about each of these groups, but I'd like to know if anyone on the forum has personal experience with any of these groups?? Please share.

I've never heard of any of those groups, but I'm interested in hearing your issues with Girl Scouts. Many churches in my area have Girl Scouts.

Good luck with your search.
i am a Seventh Day Adventist and these are the programs we have for the youth.

I do not have small children and so I can't tell you any personal experiences, only that that kids are excited about it. They have competition. I am blown away by the memory of these children. the have bible bowl where you have to memories entire books in the bible. They have camping trips and all kinds of things.
I've never heard of any of those groups, but I'm interested in hearing your issues with Girl Scouts. Many churches in my area have Girl Scouts.

Good luck with your search.

Thank you for responding and for your question. The Girl Scouts organization has changed quite a bit from when I was a little girl (I am 35+ years old). I was a Girl Scout myself and I considered it for my daughter. I try to research every group that we consider getting our children involved in and I was not at all happy with what I found.

The Girl Scouts have forged a relationship with Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is one of the largest providers of abortions (in our family we believe life begins at conception), and it was founded in purely evil motives by Margaret Sanger. I am disgusted that our government chooses to support this organization with our tax dollars and I refuse to knowingly support it in any other way. In addition, at the last national Girl Scouts convention, the guest speakers were very pro feminism. We don't want our daughter associated with these types of ideals/beliefs.

There was an incident where a mother wanted to have her son be a Girl Scout. She claimed that her 7 year old son was a girl born in a boy's body. When she approached her local Girl Scouts troop, the troop leaders told her that the organization was only for girls. The mother complained and contacted the national organization. The national organization released a statement that her son was welcome to join and that if the boy identifies as a girl, that this meets the requirement for joining Girl Scouts--- that biological body parts don't matter. We don't want our daughter indoctrinated with these types of ungodly ideals.

As far as Boy Scouts there was a recent report published that detailed how the national Boy Scouts organization covered up sexual misconduct of troop leaders toward the young boys in the organization. Not interested!