Need some words of encouragement.


New Member
It's been four, going on five months since my ex and I broke up. I'm still torn up over it, and I was just hoping if I could get some positive encouragement about the whole thing.

The fact that it's been four months discourages me... I feel as if I should ask him to try again or express my feelings just because it's been so long and I'm still not over what happened. However I'm dating someone else now who makes me 10x happier, and I'm not going to throw that away. I'd just really, really like to know that a few months down the road I won't still be hurting over this. :ohwell:

So if you ladies have any words of encouragement or stories of healing, I'd love to hear them. Thanks!
The best advice is that time heals all wounds (I'm suffering through right now) and it WILL get better...

This ex put you through a lot. Mine did, too. And yeah, it's only been almost 14 days on my end, but it hurts like CRAZY and I DO wish he would call sometimes...but I think about all I suffered through and realized I am better off this way, even alone. No amount of talking will change the past. No amount of getting back together will change what was done. You'll just have to go through that "in limbo" feeling of wanting to stay and go all at the same time...and you have a great guy to work through it with.

He is an ex for a reason. Typical words, but oh so true.

Last thing? PLEASE...don't hurt that guy you're with. The worse thing you can do is spread the pain of break up onto someone else not even INVOLVED by jumping into a rebound relationship, have them fall for you and end up breaking THEIR heart because you aren't truly over your don't want to throw away what you have but the fact that you wish the ex would "try again" does speak volumes...if he did, what would the purpose be unless you WOULD be willing to throw things away?

Please put things in perspective and enjoy what you have.
It's been four, going on five months since my ex and I broke up. I'm still torn up over it, and I was just hoping if I could get some positive encouragement about the whole thing.

it takes time :)
five months ago woman-time? is like yesterday
supposedly.. rule of thumb is
for the time one was with the person double it for the amount of time
to "get over it"
but really....there is no statute of limitations on this

yes it does get better....
you won't hurt forever...

don't judge your feelings...
just have them
and keep moving forward

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-How much time was there between your last relationship and this one? I'd be willing to bet that you didn't have any time alone in between to get your mind right and really prepare to receive this new man. Relationship hopping is not healthy or productive. You need the time alone to reflect, regroup, and heal.

-What are you torn up about? The past cannot be changed. You must accept everything that has happened and accept that this person is no longer a part of your life. This requires that you begin to construct a new life that does not include him. Trying to funnel that energy into your new relationship is not the answer either because the issue is within you...not outside of you. What is it about that relationship that is unresolved for you? What responsibility are you carrying?

-Why would you ask him to try again? If he wanted to try, he asking necessary.

-The only way you'll be suffering over this months from now is if you choose to. Your thoughts are yours to choose, and your life is yours to live. There is no reason for this person to have this much control in your life when he is not even an active participant. No thought lives in your mind rent free! That brotha (or otha) is not payin' rent and needs to be evicted, STAT!

-What are you afraid of and what are you unhappy about with yourself? Generally speaking, when people have the feelings you do, it is rooted in uncertainty, fear, and displeasure with the current state of affairs. I would suggest doing some introspection to assess where your relationship with yourself stands. Until you nurture that, you won't be over the ex, regardless of who else is around.

-You CAN get past it. It DOES get better...but only by choice. We hear stories of women who are able to take months to get past a broken relationship and then we hear of women who take decades to get past a broken relationship. I'm not judging, but I'm pointing out that at some point, it becomes a choice. You have to choose OUT of where you are. Your life, as it is, is a box. You've constructed this box as the architect of your life. When you are unhappy, you must choose something outside of the box. This involves stepping outside of your comfort zone which is why it's so difficult to do. However, this is where your growth occurs. Your peace of mind, your joy, and your complete healing from this situation are all outside of the box. THINK outside of the box...and then CHOOSE outside of the box.

I would suggest checking out the "healing hearts" thread. I think that was one of the most helpful threads for getting through a break up that I've ever read on here.

That's a wonderful thread.

I think time heals. I was engaged to a man when I was younger. When I decided he wasn't for me it took me 1 year to break up with him and another year to get back to dating. I thought I was gonna die. My mother was worried, it was just an awful time in my life. But I lived through it, I value what I learned from him and the time I had with him. For years I wasn't able to say his name but now I can talk about him.

Give it some more time.