Need some Inspiration. I have been looking


New Member
around at othet peoples progress and I don't feel like I'm retaining as much growth as I should be. I think that I need to be protective styling but everytime I try to put my hair in a bun, its so short, It doesn't really look right to me and it makes my face look fat. Please help. I don't know what to do. I have tried braids and weaves, but I would rather keep my hair out cause I loved to be able to wash my hair and moisturize it when I want to.

Hi! From your siggy pic, your hair def looks like it's growing and getting healthier. Don't get discouraged just yet. :yep:

What's your reggie? How often do you d/c, moisturize relax, etc and with what? I'm sure the board could give you some solid suggestions if we know exactly what you've been doing to your hair.
around at othet peoples progress and I don't feel like I'm retaining as much growth as I should be. I think that I need to be protective styling but everytime I try to put my hair in a bun, its so short, It doesn't really look right to me and it makes my face look fat. Please help. I don't know what to do. I have tried braids and weaves, but I would rather keep my hair out cause I loved to be able to wash my hair and moisturize it when I want to.


try clip-ins or use faux hair for a bun. you can remove them whenever and they protect your hair. i'll put a clip-in tutorial in my fotki in the near future.
Don't beat yourself up...your hair is beautiful. Looking at your comparison chart, not only has it grew but it also has thickened up. When I first joined the forum, I would always check my hair on a daily basis to see if anything (growth) was going on. I drove myself crazy :spinning:. But I had to realize that I can't compare myself to the other ladies on here. Everyone hair grows at a certain rate. Some grow faster than others. Your hair appears to be very healthy. Keep doing what you're doing and before you know'll be at your goal length :yep:. Hang in there and don't give up.
Hi! From your siggy pic, your hair def looks like it's growing and getting healthier. Don't get discouraged just yet. :yep:

What's your reggie? How often do you d/c, moisturize relax, etc and with what? I'm sure the board could give you some solid suggestions if we know exactly what you've been doing to your hair.

I don't have a set regimine. I have been using mane and tail shampoo and conditioner. I wash and deep condition at least weekly, sometimes more often. I deep conditions with eggs, silicon mix, suave humectress, ORS replenishing pac. I usually wear me hair in sew ins or twists or braids, but I want to keep my own hair out and learn how to care for it porperly for once. I also moisturize with Keracare hair creme or ORS olive oil mositurizer.
You are making great progress and you are actually protective styling based on your photos (your ends are not rubbing against the back of your clothes). You are doing great IMO. When my hair was neck length, I did braid outs, bantu knots, and rollersets. Once it grew out a little more I was able to do a sock bun. You will get there just keep up with what you are doing :)
You are making great progress and you are actually protective styling based on your photos (your ends are not rubbing against the back of your clothes). You are doing great IMO. When my hair was neck length, I did braid outs, bantu knots, and rollersets. Once it grew out a little more I was able to do a sock bun. You will get there just keep up with what you are doing :)


I love your braidout. How do you do yours???
Looking at your signature pics, I would say you have made great progress. I don't really have any tips- just wanted to say keep up the great work and don't be discouraged.
Looking at your signature pics, I would say you have made great progress. I don't really have any tips- just wanted to say keep up the great work and don't be discouraged.

Thanks Andrea!!! I guess I was just getting hung up over other peoples progess and comparing their growth to mine
I think you've made excellent progress from May to October! Five months and your hair much looks thicker and longer; its really pretty.
I don't have a set regimine. I have been using mane and tail shampoo and conditioner. I wash and deep condition at least weekly, sometimes more often. I deep conditions with eggs, silicon mix, suave humectress, ORS replenishing pac. I usually wear me hair in sew ins or twists or braids, but I want to keep my own hair out and learn how to care for it porperly for once. I also moisturize with Keracare hair creme or ORS olive oil mositurizer.

Sounds like you are doing just fine. :yep: I second the braidout and rollerset idea. Otherwise, keep it up. You'll be at your goals in no time!
1 rule ..don't compare...your hair is growing and you have gone from ear to neck in excellent time. I do know how you feel .. their are a lot of beautiful heads on the board. The way I look at it is like this...I'm competing with myself, no one else. I'm pressing in for me... to accomplish what I can do for me and my hair.
Your on the right track , your already ahead of most women out their who don't even know where to begin. :look:
I know how you feel and judging from your siggy, we have similiar hair lengths.

I think what helps me is a cute style that I can have some pride in. It helps to get over that middle stage easier. I also am QUICK to pull my hair back and attach a fake bun. I buy little, pretty hair accessories to wear with it so I can feel cute and feminine. This has helped my hair retain length also.

Don't worry, your hair IS growing (obviously from your pics) just continue to be patient.