Need some encouragement and prayer.


Well-Known Member
Lately, I've just been feeling extremely complacent in my walk with the Lord. I desire to follow Him completely, and to put my faith in Him, yet I do not know what is holding me back.

I've tried consecration, fasting but nothing seems to work because of my own fault. I know I lack discipline, and that is something I've brought up with the Lord in prayer. Yet despite this, I always end back at square one. Perhaps I am too impatient in waiting out to see results?

I know the only way for things to get better is for me to pour out my heart to God and tell Him these things, but guilt is constantly stopping me.

I know God is faithful and just to forgive, and that nothing can separate me from His love, but I still struggle with coming before His presence.

Maybe it's pride? I don't know. All I know is that I want to get right with God, and FOR REAL this time.

Please pray for me if you will, that God will teach me what it means to truly pick up my cross. It's also fine if anyone wants to PM me too, I just need my Christian sisters and/or brothers to help me.

Thank you!
Lately, I've just been feeling extremely complacent in my walk with the Lord. I desire to follow Him completely, and to put my faith in Him, yet I do not know what is holding me back.

I've tried consecration, fasting but nothing seems to work because of my own fault. I know I lack discipline, and that is something I've brought up with the Lord in prayer. Yet despite this, I always end back at square one. Perhaps I am too impatient in waiting out to see results?

I know the only way for things to get better is for me to pour out my heart to God and tell Him these things, but guilt is constantly stopping me.

I know God is faithful and just to forgive, and that nothing can separate me from His love, but I still struggle with coming before His presence.

Maybe it's pride? I don't know. All I know is that I want to get right with God, and FOR REAL this time.

Please pray for me if you will, that God will teach me what it means to truly pick up my cross. It's also fine if anyone wants to PM me too, I just need my Christian sisters and/or brothers to help me.

Thank you!

Your post is so heartfelt. Your sincerity and desire is obviously very strong. I think you are answering some of your own questions. Focus on your walk with God, not the end result. Enjoy your journey with Him, which is and will be never ending. As far as end results, there is no end, simply a continuing evolving - there is no end with God.

Guilt is a tool of the enemy. God loves us no matter what. And He invites us to come to Him with an open heart, like you have shown here in your post. His invitation is always open.

You are on the right track. Continue to seek out like-minded Christians who can support you in your walk. And be kinder and more patient with yourself.
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Your post is so heartfelt. Your sincerity and desire is obviously very strong. I think you are answering some of your own questions. Focus on your walk with God, not the end result. Enjoy your journey with Him, which is and will be never ending. As far as end results, there is no end, simply a continuing evolving - there is no end with God.

Guilt is a tool of the enemy. God loves us no matter what. And He invites us to come to Him with an open heart, like you have shown here in your post. His invitation is always open.

You are on the right track. Continue to seek out like-minded Christians who can support you in your walk. And be kinder and more patient with yourself.

ITA. :yep:
In my experience when you pray for something,he usually brings about a time for you to practice it. For example you say you lack discipline(me too),so I was constantly put into situations where I had to practice self discipline. Whether it be not snacking when I want or spending money without regard. And discipline is one of the things I'm still working on,so trust me I understand. But I will keep praying that you have a break through on all fronts :) and get right with your walk with the Lord!