NEED SOME ADVICE...wave noveau!!!


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used wave noveau and had sucess with it? It is said to give you the versatality of wearing hair curly or straight, usually touch-ups are 3 months apart. Is it as damaging as relaxing hair straight? I would be considerably grateful for any advice, comments or information given
I never had the wave nouveau but my cousin did and it broke her hair off. Granted, I don't know what her hair regimen was like. I've seen some people who looked like they had "jheri curls" but claimed it was a wave nouveau. It didn;t really look good on them.

So den, are you tired of your natural hair or somn?

Every person I've seen with it, didn't look right. A texturizer is more managable and looks better.
I have to agree with Cysdon on this one. Stay away! The only people I've seen that were able to maintain this style were a couple of cousins with unnaturally strong hair! And even on them it looked like a jheri curl. And it wasn't as easy to go from curly to straight as the ads make it seem.

IMO, it would be more damaging than a relaxer because they put a chemical on your hair to straighten it, then they put another chemical on it to make it curly.
(I may have WN and Leisure Curl mixed up...)

I thought about getting one when they came out, but my hair was already relaxed so that was a no go...
my mom has a wave nouveau. she gets it redone every 3 months or so. her hair is very healthy, but she doesn't like her hair long so she trims regularly. she's been getting one for a couple of years with no problem. the thing with her is that she doesn't bother her hair much either. she puts her styling products on it, puts it up and leaves it that way for days.

i'm not sure what to tell you. i think the wave nouveau is a thio perm, which can have as many benefits and drawbacks as a regular perm.
Stay away. I don't care what anybody says a wave nouveau is nothing but a designer jheri curl. It is not as greesy but you do have to apply activator every day.

Don't do it girl. I had a wave nouveau for 4 years.
Thanks for all the information and advice, ladies. I gathered from most the responses, it is not a highly rated product, in terms of the what it promises to deliver.

Davine, I'm not tired of being natural, I'm merely reviewing all options available to me when I reach my ultimate hair goal.
Don't waste your time or your hair.

I have had this many, many years ago. My hair looked very natural with it. Most people just thought that it was my natural hair but over time the ends could not be save at all. Plus it is a double process.

Anyway they still make that thing?
I used to use Wave Nouveau for a few years and had no problems. Its like a 'dry' perm so doesn't have that embarressing 'wet drip look.' I loved it actually and my hair kept growing with it, no breakage. Drying was air drying, no blowdryers or curlers so no breakage. For the one off special event e.g. wedding, special party I'd have the hair blown out and then wash it a couple of days later. No problem.

The key is to just keep the hair lightly moisturized with the lotion and a light spritz of the spray every other day if I recall correctly...
Looks like I'm heavily outnumbered ! I say def. go with the majority vote since everyone's different.

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YEP!!! I'm definatley thinking along the same lines as you.
You ladies are not making things easy for me, seriously!!! IS THIS A CONSPIRACY TO KEEP MY HAIR NATURAL?

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Just kidding! IMO, a texturizer is your best bet if you are determined to alter your texture. Just make sure you do a strand test first.
huh! I think it must be raining a bit much where you are.

Go for another hair goal, aim for your tush.

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You ladies are not making things easy for me, seriously!!! IS THIS A CONSPIRACY TO KEEP MY HAIR NATURAL?

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