Need some advice about my church


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies

Me and my DH were 'gently forced' out of our previous church by the church leader were we were members for about 4/5 years to join a small sister church.

We were encouraged to join the sister church as this church was planted a few years ago and hadn't really grown as expected, and to help bring fruition to the area.

Anyway so me and Hubs have been apart of the church now for about 8months or so but we both do not feel right here. We are not being equipped, and encouraged and fulfilled as we have previously been. The teaching is not as provoking, the fellowship for us is lacking we don't relate as well to the members and we don't feel like we are growing and being strengthend.

Our dilemma is do we stay where we are as our leader saw this to be the place for us? Or do we go back to where we felt more happy, strengthed, encouraged and where we were learning, and really enjoyed fellowship?

Despite my obvious bias to my previous church, I appreciate your opinions.

Leave and go back. If you arent happy there i dont see a reason to stay. A spiritual leader is there to help guide you to the right decisions, not to make those decisions for you.

Hopefully, your church leader respects your honesty and encourages you to stay where you feel the Presence of God the most. HTH
I believe this to be a question for El-Elyon to answer....

Our dilemma is do we stay where we are as our leader saw this to be the place for us? Or do we go back to where we felt more happy, strengthed, encouraged and where we were learning, and really enjoyed fellowship?

Lots at stake here, mainly because you said this:

We were encouraged to join the sister church as this church was planted a few years ago and hadn't really grown as expected, and to help bring fruition to the area.

Here's a good article I'd found to be helpful as well... it still all goes back to hearing from God directly. All the best to you and your hubby concerning area of your spiritual lives.

Are You in the Right Church?
by Creflo Dollar

God has called every Christian to a certain church, and it is our responsibility to hear from God about where our local church fellowship is. In addition, we must not allow offense to cause us to murmur and complain against our pastors. We must follow God’s principles when relating to spiritual leadership. Success in life and ministry is determined by our ability to be directed by God.

God’s gifts and callings on our lives are irrevocable—He never withdraws them nor does He change His mind about them (Romans 11:29, AMP).
God has given ministry gifts to the body of Christ—apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers (Ephesians 4:11-12).
The purpose of the ministry gifts is to perfect the saints for the work of the ministry, for edifying the body of Christ.
We should receive our pastors as gifts that are sent by God. By doing so, we receive God (Matthew 10:40-41).
God gives us spiritual shepherds, who will feed us with knowledge, understanding, and judgment (Jeremiah 3:15, AMP).
When you are in the right place (church, ministry, and/or fellowship), you can trust the spiritual leadership to which you are submitted.
“We are fellow workmen—joint promoters, laborers together—with and for God” (1 Corinthians 3:9, AMP).
Therefore, we should not neglect assembling ourselves together with other Believers. When we gather together, we should exhort one another (Hebrews 10:25, AMP).
When we are in the right place, Satan will attack us to cause us to be offended.
Some Believers find constant fault with their church and cause problems because they are simply in the wrong place.
Many Believers leave their church because they have become offended, not because God told them to leave.
Many times, when people are not in the right church, they become critical about many aspects of the church—especially the spiritual leaders.
God is displeased with complaining (especially against spiritual leaders), as demonstrated by the incident with Moses, Aaron, and Miriam (Numbers 11:1-4).
Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because he married a Cu****e woman.
Miriam was a prophetess and was mightily used by God through her gift of song. She also helped to care for Moses when he was a child.
However, she was wrong for speaking against Moses’ leadership.
God asked, “Were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?” (Numbers 12:8).
His anger was kindled against Miriam and Aaron, and He departed. Miriam became leprous, but Moses prayed to God for her healing (Numbers 12:9-13).
Sedition means to stand apart. Miriam had to leave the camp because she was in sedition, which had the potential to infect the others with rebellion.
We should not judge others based on impressions, the media, or hearsay. It is wrong to consider someone guilty before hearing his or her case (John 7:24, 51).
We must remember that we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ (Romans 14:10).
Those who judge others are probably guilty of the same issue (Romans 2:1).
We should not speak evil of one another, nor judge and condemn one another (James 4:11-12, AMP).
“Let no foul or polluting language, nor evil word, nor unwholesome or worthless talk [ever] come out of your mouth; but only such [speech] as is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others” (Ephesians 4:29, AMP).
Seek the right church for you. God has a specific place to which He has called you (Deuteronomy 12:5, AMP).
When you identify the specific will of God for your life, you will locate the place of your total prosperity.
Once you have discovered the church God has called you to:
Receive your pastor as someone who has been sent by God.
Realize you are not called to change the pastor but intercede on his behalf.
If you believe you are in the right church, do not cause problems there.
Instead, use your gifts to benefit the church you attend. All Believers should have a church and a pastor to whom they are submitted.

Scripture References:
Romans 11:29, AMP
Ephesians 4:11-12
Matthew 10:40-41
Jeremiah 3:15, AMP
1 Corinthians 3:9, AMP
Hebrews 10:25, AMP
Numbers 11:1-4
Numbers 12:8-13
Amos 3:7, AMP
John 7:24, 51
Romans 14:10
Romans 2:1
James 4:11, 12, AMP
Ephesians 4:29, AMP
Deuteronomy 12:5, AM
I believe this to be a question for El-Elyon to answer....

I second that. If it were me, I would take the matter in prayer first and foremost. The Holy Spirit will speak to your hearts (both you and your husband's) and lead you in the right direction. :yep:
I agree. Only the Holy Spirit can lead you with this for He will do so in the pureness of Truth. And hence, with the Truth, you will be set free. :yep:

For the responses everyone. I'm praying and fasting about this, asking God to reveal his purpose to us.